
Free3d - Male mannequin Nike Football pack 3D model
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Free3d - Male mannequin Nike Football pack 3D model

男性人体模特耐克足球套装 3D 模型,穿着衣服的人体模特的 3D 模型。6 种不同的姿势。每种姿势有七种服装元素:连帽衫、短裤、T 恤、长袖、紧身裤、袜子、靴子。多种颜色可供选择,还有中性色供您发挥创造力。所有服装均在 MARVELOUS DESIGNER 中创建 易于更改颜色和图案 该文件是在 3d max 2014 中创建的 存档包含扩展名为 .max .fbx .obj 的文件。其中还包括 Vray 材料和位图图像。 3d max 的场景包括 6 个穿着各种衣服的模特,并且分别包含各种颜色的衣服,以便于快速更换(查看最后的预览) 整个场景 - 674 000 个多边形,629 000 个顶点(不含光滑和外壳) 一个穿着衣服的模特 ~ 112 000 个多边形,105 000 个顶点(不含光滑和外壳) 俱乐部形式和国家队形式是随机选择的......


Male mannequin Nike Football pack 3D model 3d model of the Mannequins in clothes. 6 different poses. Seven elements of clothing for each of the poses: hoodie, shorts, t-shirt, long sleeve, tights, socks, boots. Many color options, plus neutral for your creativity)) All clothing was created in MARVELOUS DESIGNER Easy to change color and pattern The file was created in 3d max 2014 Archive includes files with extension .max .fbx .obj. Vray materials and bitmap images are also inside. The scene for 3d max includes 6 mannequins in all clothes and separately all the colors of clothes for easy and quick change (Look at the last preview) all scene - 674 000 polys, 629 000 verts (without smooth and shell) one mannequin with clothes ~ 112 000 polys, 105 000 verts (without smooth and shell) club form and the form of national teams was chosen randomly...

标签: 服装 模特 店铺 运动 衣服
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > 店铺商场超市
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/12/17 17:26:20 | 更新时间:2024/12/17 17:34:01

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