
0 34 由Tom Greenway于1999年创立,当时是一个简单的3D资源网站。该网站现在已发展成为在线艺术家的综合平台,提供各种免费教程、信息丰富的采访和鼓舞人心的画廊。无论您是用铅笔素描,在Photoshop中绘画,还是在ZBrush中建模,我们都努力创造一个友好的教育环境,不仅帮助崭露头角和经验丰富的艺术家,而且还展示世界上一些最好的艺术品。

我们相信,了解艺术以及如何创作艺术的最佳方式是通过其他艺术家。没有比通过艺术家可以分享他们的知识和经验的社区更好的方法来促进这一点了。利用我们庞大且易于访问的网站以及深入研究,我们密切关注顶级和发展中的艺术家以及创作趋势和进步。这有助于我们确保我们能够继续成为所选领域的权威和熟悉面孔,并不断提供高质量的教育和鼓舞人心的资源。作为该领域最早运营的网站之一,我们可以利用我们悠久的历史、良好的声誉和与艺术家的牢固关系,确保我们为热情的观众提供最有价值的信息和资源。 Ltd was founded by Tom Greenway in 1999 as a simple 3D resource website. The site has evolved into a comprehensive platform for online artists, offering a variety of free tutorials, informative interviews, and an inspirational gallery. Whether you sketch in pencil, paint in Photoshop, or model in ZBrush, we strive to create a friendly and educational environment that not only helps budding and experienced artists alike, but also showcases some of the best artwork in the world.

We believe that the best ways to learn about art and how to create it is through fellow artists. There is no better way to facilitate this than through a community in which artists can share their knowledge and experience. Using our vast and accessible website alongside thorough research, we keep a close eye on top and developing artists as well as creative trends and advances. This helps us ensure we can continue to be an authority and familiar face within our chosen field and a constant source of high-quality educational and inspirational resources. As one of the first websites operating in this field we can use our long history, great reputation and strong relationship with artists to make sure we are providing the most valuable information and resources to our passionate audience.


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