
Red Giant VFX Suite
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Red Giant VFX Suite 1.0.0 + crack

Red Giant VFX Suite v1.0.0 Win

Red Giant VFX Suite Full 1.0 winmac Licensing

Red Giant VFX Suite v1.0.1 Win

Red Giant VFX Suite v1.0.2 WinMac

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.0.3 WinMac

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.05 WinMac

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.0.7 WinMac

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.5.0 (x64)

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.5 for MAC

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.5.1 win mac

Red Giant VFX Suite 1.5.2 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2.0.0 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite v2.1.1 (x64)

Red Giant VFX Suite v3.0.0 (WIN+MAC)

Red Giant VFX Suite 3.1.0 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2023.0.0

Red Giant VFX Suite 2023.2.0 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2023.3 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2023.3.1 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2023.4 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2023.4.1 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2024.0.1 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2024.1.0 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2024.1.1 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2024.2.1 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2024.2.2 Win x64

Red Giant VFX Suite 2024.2.3 Win x64

RedGiant VFX Suite v2025.0 Win64

键控、跟踪、清理和视觉效果合成,就在After Effects内部执行。

VFX套件提供了一个强大的工具箱,用于在After Effects中合成真实的视觉效果。有了超空间,光和大气效果以一种比用简单的二维层叠加建模更自然的方式与所有层和场景元素交互。vfx套件还包括用于添加阴影和反射的工具,这些工具可以加速创建专业复合材料的一些基本部分。

Keying, tracking, cleanup, and visual effects compositing, right inside of After Effects

VFX Suite offers a powerful toolkit for realistic visual effects composites in After Effects. With Supercomp, light and atmospheric effects interact with all of your layers and the elements of a scene in a far more natural way than can be modeled with a simple stack of 2D layers. VFX Suite also includes tools for adding shadows and reflections that speed up some of the essential parts of creating a professional composite.


标签: ae after effects 插件 后期 特效 合成
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Red Giant
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2019/7/10 16:45:24 | 更新时间:2024/9/17 18:05:00

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