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GibbsCAM 2013 SSQ


GibbsCAM是一个先进的.基于PC的计算机辅助制造( CAM )的加工编程工具. GibbsCAM作为一个应用程序.它的基本包可以任意增加无缝接呈的模块.这样的配置既可以满足你现在的需求还可以为你扩大需求.这样大大减少你的投 入. GibbsCAM的图形用户界面使工程师和使用者使用方便、效率高. GibbsCAM的强大功能使得软件易学易用. GibbsCAM 的自由互动式的设计使你轻松的几何设计、刀路程序生成、过程的可视化/论证确认以及强大的后置处理. GibbsCAM的易学易用、编程效率、速度和短时间培训使得GibbsCAM成为CAM行业易学易用的领导者,是你产品加工的最好工具.


GibbsCAM® is a state-of-the-art, PC-based computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) system for programming computer numerically controlled (CNC) machine tools. GibbsCAM is organized as a single application. The base package's capabilities can be optionally extended through the addition of seamlessly integrated modules. This way the system can be configured for your initial needs and be gradually expanded as your needs grow, protecting your investment. GibbsCAM's graphical user interface was designed for machinists by machinists, resulting in a user environment that is both familiar and efficient. This manufacturing orientation ensures that GibbsCAM's powerful functionality is also extremely easy to learn and use. GibbsCAM's free-form interaction style allows you to move easily between geometry creation, toolpath creation, process visualization/verification and post processing. GibbsCAM's ease-of-use, programming efficiency, speed and short training time makes GibbsCAM, the CAM industry's ease-of-use leader, the best tool for programming your parts.

标签: cad软件 设计软件 产品设计 机械设计
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/12/12 22:37:38 | 更新时间:2015/8/16 22:28:47

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