
Auto FX 系列软件
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Auto FX 系列软件,包括:


Auto FX Mystical Lightnings 2 Portable

Auto FX Mystical Tint & Tone 2 Portable

AutoFX DreamSuite Ultimate Portable

AutoEye 2.11

DreamSuite Ultimate 1.36

Mystical Suite 2.07


Mystical Lighting 能够令你对图象应用极为真实的光线和投射阴影效果。利用这个软件,你能提高图片在光影这两方面的品质并达到美化的效果。


Mystical Lighting & Ambiance Gen1 contains an array of 33 Lighting and Specialty Photo Effects. Mystical Lighting & Ambiance Gen1 visual effect enhancements allow the user to stream natural light, create shadows, and create atmospheric conditions such as rain, snow, fog, smoke, and haze. New to the atmospheric category of effects, you can now create realistic Lightning Bolt Effects (not to be confused with lighting) for those stormy clouds and electrifying situations. Add Club Lights to the background or foreground of your motion and dance shots to generate 360 degree lighting effects around your subject.


Mystical Tint & Tone,一套专门调整影像色调的外挂程序,能制作出神秘浪漫唯美的效果。作为AUTOFX公司出品的数码照片艺术化处理插件,Mystical Tint & Tone的魅力不仅仅是因为它有一个奇特的名字,更在于她的品质。

Mystical Lighting & Ambiance Gen1 contains an array of 33 Lighting and Specialty Photo Effects. Mystical Lighting & Ambiance Gen1 visual effect enhancements allow the user to stream natural light, create shadows, and create atmospheric conditions such as rain, snow, fog, smoke, and haze. New to the atmospheric category of effects, you can now create realistic Lightning Bolt Effects (not to be confused with lighting) for those stormy clouds and electrifying situations. Add Club Lights to the background or foreground of your motion and dance shots to generate 360 degree lighting effects around your subject.


DreamSuite Ultimate,著名图像软件公司 AutoFX 的作品 Dreamsuite 堪称 Photoshop 的造梦者  ,作为功能强大的滤镜编修工具,提供有超过100种的特技效果。DreamSuite 可以作为独立的软件工作,也可以作为Adobe  Photoshop, Adobe Elements 和 PaintShop Pro 的插件使用。

DreamSuite Ultimate Gen1 contains 48 powerful photo effects that allow anyone, professionals or novices alike, to create beautiful graphic images and digital artwork. DreamSuite Ultimate Gen1 lets you achieve visual results that are difficult or impossible to attain using any other software. We have added over 750 ready-made presets for each product for all four categories included in this photo enhancement software solution. This is the perfect blend of artistic effects for those waiting to enhance their digital images like the Masters of Old, as well as a collection of the best tools for Graphic Artists and Web Designers.



AutoEye Gen1 is an automated visual effect enhancement solution allowing the user to improve digital images by rebuilding color, detail, and sharpness as well as image vibrancy resulting in amazing clarity and color fidelity.


标签: 照片处理 照片修饰 图像处理 软件 插件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/11/29 17:04:48 | 更新时间:2015/12/1 19:35:48

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