
Ant Stitcher
5522 0 7

Ant Stitcher v1.0


Max脚本 Ant Stitcher 可以自动移动一系列的点到离它们最近的面上去,主要用于建筑可视化场景的地形和需要相匹配的道路,Ant Stitcher会帮助任何人节省无数个小时的繁琐顶点推拉工作。只要选择源和目标顶点,然后点击 Stitch'em 为选定对象之间完美匹配形状。


Ant Stitcher script automatically moves a set of selected vertices of a source
mesh to their closest counterpart in the destination mesh.

Designed mainly for Architectural Visualization scenes with terrains and roads that need to match, Ant Stitcher will save anyone that does modeling countless hours of tedious vertex pulling and pushing. Just select the source and destination vertices and click  Stitch'em for a perfectly matched connection between the selected objects.

Ant Stitcher is a MAXScript which moves a set of selected vertices of a source mesh to their closest counterpart in the destination mesh. If Soft Selection is enabled for the source mesh, the script will also move the vertices within the Soft Selection for a smooth connection between the objects. Based on the Cleanup Options settings, it will weld all the vertices within the threshold selected, will add a Relax Modifier with the default settings, and a Smooth Modifier with a threshold of 45.

标签: max脚本 maxscript 地形制作 道路 山路 建模 形状匹配
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 3Ds max 插件
发布:CGer | 查看:5522 | 发表时间:2014/11/22 16:25:55 | 更新时间:2015/8/4 18:35:49

    ○当前充值额外赠送3%-15% CG点,充值的余额还会获得每日赠送,每日赠送系统说明:点击查看


点击消耗 10 CG点(约 1.0 元)解锁 30个通用资源, 12小时内有效!(有效期内不重复扣点)
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