
Digital Film Tools
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Digital Film Tools Plugins pack 2013

Digital Film Tools - All Plugin Bundle For After Effects Win64 - 2014

Digital Film Tools All Plugins Bundle 1.2.2015

Digital Film Tools Collection 6.21.2015

Digital Film Tools Bundle Win (10.2015)

DigitalFilmTools - Plugin Collection August 2016

Digital Film Tools DFT 1.1 Win 64 CE

Digital Film Tools Bundle Win (10.2018)

Digital Film Tools DFT Win

Digital Film Tools DFT 1.2 RePack

Digital Film Tools DFT 1.2.1 x64

Digital Film Tools DFT v1.2.1.1 win mac




DFT Composite Suite Pro

DFT FilmStocks

DFT PhotoCopy

DFT Power Matte

DFT Power Stroke

DFT Rays

DFT reFine

DFT Tiffen Dfx

DFT zMatte




Digital Film Tools汇集卓越的软件设计师,电影视觉效果的老手,视频编辑和摄影师的无敌组合。获得过三个艾美奖,创造数以百计的专题片,广告和电视节目的视觉效果,是你成功的秘诀。摄影,电影和视频剪辑的理解,并在特定的视觉效果,使我们能够设计生产和高度专业化的软件。是有用的,以及易于使用的软件。我们的产品经得起严酷的生产,是多年的经验之大成。

Digital Film Tools brings together the unbeatable  combination of superior software designers, motion picture visual  effects veterans, video editors and photographers. Add three Emmy Awards  and experience in creating visual effects for hundreds of feature  films, commercials and television shows and you have a recipe for success. The understanding of photography, film and video editing, and  in particular visual effects, allows us to design productive  and highly  specialized software. Software that is useful as well as easy to use.  Our products stand up to the rigors of production and are the  culmination of many years of experience.


标签: AE 插件 aftereffects 影视 后期
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/10/13 17:10:34 | 更新时间:2020/5/19 16:25:04

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