
3DMotive - Building a Side-Scroller in Unreal Engine 4 Vol 1&2
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3DMotive - Building a Side-Scroller in Unreal Engine 4 Vol 1

3DMotive - Building a Side-Scroller in Unreal Engine 4 Vol 2


在这个教程中,讲师格雷格带领我们学习同时使用3ds Max和虚幻4引擎,在这里,他将涵盖他的工作流程,打破观念,建立纹理和模型,构建一个带有基本的游戏功能的场景。


In this course, instructor Greg Mirles walks us through the process of building a side-scroller level using both 3ds Max and Unreal engine 4. Here he will be covering his workflow for breaking down the concept, building and texturing the meshes, and then using a side-scroller UE4 blueprint to import the meshes and build the base game functionality.

标签: 建模 游戏场景 游戏引擎 虚幻引擎使用教程 ue教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Unreal Engine
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/10/8 22:24:30 | 更新时间:2015/6/1 19:26:12

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