
Digital Tutors - Concept Designing a Mech Weapon in Photoshop
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Digital Tutors - Concept Designing a Mech Weapon in Photoshop

Digital Tutors - 在Photoshop里设计一个概念机甲武器


Throughout these lessons we will learn how to create a mech weapon concept in Photoshop.

We will go over the various stages of concept art, from thumbnails to finished render. We will use photo references to speed up the rendering process and also go over the use of the smudge brush as a design tool. 

By the end of this tutorial we'll concept a weapon for the mech using the techniques we've learned.

标签: 概念设计 插画 绘画 手绘
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 插画手绘
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/7/12 22:02:09 | 更新时间:2015/8/4 19:48:24

    ○当前充值额外赠送3%-15% CG点,充值的余额还会获得每日赠送,每日赠送系统说明:点击查看


点击消耗 10 CG点(约 1.0 元)解锁 30个通用资源, 12小时内有效!(有效期内不重复扣点)
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