
Video Copilot Motion Pulse - BlackBox 24-Bit Wav
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Video Copilot Motion Pulse - BlackBox 24-Bit Wav

MotionPulse BlackBox 16-Bit Wav


MotionPulse 是VideoCopilot出品的音效设计方案。MotionPulse拥有超过2000个35类音效元素,是动画设计影视剪辑配音的必备素材,共分文五个类型的素材包:IMPACT ,ORGANIC,SIGNAL,VELOCITY,MACHINE。


MotionPulse is a sound design package by VideoCopilot. MotionPulse   features over 2000 compound sound FX across 35 categories.  No filler  sound FX, just INSANE multi-layered sound FX for Movie Trailers, Motion  Design, Special Effects and anytime you need to grab someones attention  and shake eople up!
This is not generic sound FX collection, like  footsteps and bad guys  screaming, this collection was generated  specifically for motion designers that need to add hard-hitting sound FX  to things that do not  exist. Bring your motion graphics to life with  MotionPulse!

标签: 音效 音乐 音频 素材 声音
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/6/8 17:50:37 | 更新时间:2020/11/16 14:48:59

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