
reFX - Vengeance Effects vol 3
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reFX - Vengeance Effects vol 3


Vengeance Effects Vol.3带来750段声音素材。您将发现许多加长,高细节和精心制作的声效,直接可以使用和节奏,包括声乐循环,效果,oneshots, vinyl FX, crazy FX loops, sub FX, tonal  synth FX, sweeps and tape-stop效果!如果你要制作电子音乐,迷幻舞曲,Dirty Dutch等等,VFX3是你最有用的素材!


Vengeance Effects Vol.3 brings 750 samples of concentrated FX power that  will bring your production to the next level. Just like the Vengeance  Ultimate Fills series, you will find many extra-long, detailed, and  elaborate FX (128bpm, up/down lifter, 1-8 bars) for direct and tempo  use. Get ready to explore this extensive library that includes vocal  loops, impacts, FX oneshots, vinyl FX, crazy FX loops, sub FX, tonal  synth FX, sweeps and tape-stop effects! If you are producing Electro,  Trance, Dirty Dutch or Dubstep, with VFX3 you are ready for everything!

标签: 音效 音乐 素材库 音效库
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/5/27 17:51:17 | 更新时间:2015/6/29 23:29:34

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