
Boom Library - Cinematic Trailers - Bundle
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Boom Library - Cinematic Trailers - Bundle


Boom Library - 电影预告片音效资源包,包括:


Boom Library - Cinematic Trailers - Construction Kit

Boom Library - Cinematic Trailers - Designed (WAV)


想要一些震撼的电视节目预告,预告片或电影SFX效果?这个集合将让你的工作变得更轻松:数以千计的电影音效工具包来创建自己独特的声音。我们推出一些非常珍贵的录音,其中包括一个70人的现场表演乐队和一个宏大的太鼓合奏团。你想要在最短的时间获得最好的结果?使用我们的CINEMATIC  TRAILERS DESIGNED与150多个现成使用的电影特技音效。CINEMATIC TRAILERS BUNDLE为您提供最优惠价格的所有内容。




Looking  for some great promo, trailer or cinematic SFX? This collection will  make your life so much easier: dig into thousands of great source  recordings in the CINEMATIC TRAILERS CONSTRUCTION KIT to create your own  unique sounds. We pushed the boat out for some really precious  recordings, including a 70 piece live orchestra and a great taiko drum  ensemble. You need the best results in no time? Then use our CINEMATIC  TRAILERS DESIGNED edition with more than 150 ready-to-use cinematic SFX.  The CINEMATIC TRAILERS BUNDLE gives you all content for our best price.


500+ files, 2.150+ sounds | 96kHz/24bit, WAV | 6.5GB

The bundle contains both, the CONSTRUCTION KIT and the DESIGNED edition.

标签: 音乐 音效 素材 资源
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/4/17 15:41:14 | 更新时间:2015/9/1 14:20:35

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