
viscorbel - Advanced 3DsMax Training Classic Chic
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viscorbel - Advanced 3DsMax Training Classic Chic

viscorbel - 古典家具室内场景高级制作教程


古典家具室内场景高级制作教程,没有捷径,您将学习如何建模和纹理每一个模型。在这个视频中使用的技术可以用来创建任何古典家具。如果你知道如何做到这一点 - 它很容易。整个场景花费7小时进行建模,纹理,光照和渲染。


The  CLASSIC CHIC premium video will teach you how to create this scene from  scratch. No shortcuts, you will learn how to model and texture EVERY  MODEL in this scene. The techniques used in this video can be used to  create any classic furniture. If you know how to do it,it's easy. Did I  mention this method is fast? The whole scene takes less than 7 hours to  model, texture, light and render.

标签: 建模 教程 室内 欧式 家具
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/3/29 23:28:59 | 更新时间:2015/7/5 23:50:01

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