
Max Cookie - Working with passes with VRay
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Max Cookie - Working with passes with VRay


在这段3ds max视频教程中,我们将探讨vray的分层渲染以及如何使用它在合成中更好的控制渲染图像。


In this video for 3ds max we’ll talk about rendering passes with VRay  and how to use it in compositing to have better control over rendered  images.
What we’ll do

In Working with passes with VRay we’ll see which passes we can export  with VRay to re-construct the beauty pass with Fusion. Then we’ll see  step by step how to configure the passes in the Render Elements panel  and how it works in rendering. We’ll take a deeper look at Ambient  Occlusion to understand how to catch it without the need to activate its  calculation in GI, just using the VRayTex element. We’ll see how to  import all passes in Fusion to obtain back the beauty pass and how to  tweak passes to control image look, depth of field simulation and color  grading. We’ll see how to use multi matte elements to create custom  masks to access to meshes in comp to change illumination and color  correction.

标签: 分层渲染 后期合成
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/3/24 23:29:12 | 更新时间:2015/9/1 16:11:29

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