
Essential Elements for Brand Identity. 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands
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Essential Elements for Brand Identity. 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands

品牌设计的基本要素 - 100个标志和品牌设计的法则


Design terms are often used  inconsistently - or just as bad, interchangeably. This leads to  confusion for designers as well as clients. New in paperback, Essential Elements for Brand Identity  lays a foundation for brand building, defining the tools and building  blocks, and illustrating the construction of strong brands through  examples of world-class design. It is a one-stop reference for  connecting visual design elements for logos to branding concepts, and  demonstrates core identity design principles through clear organization  and a variety of sources and examples.

Through a cohesive  structure that explores broader concepts in relation to graphic  identities, identity programs, and brand identities, Essential Elements for Brand Identity  links formal design concerns with business issues. Design students and  seasoned brand managers alike will appreciate the pragmatic relevance of  its content and be inspired by the representative body of work  collected and presented throughout the book.


标签: 品牌 包装 设计 杂志 书籍
分类:资源 > 期刊杂志 > 期刊杂志:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/3/4 16:35:54 | 更新时间:2015/9/30 18:31:09

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