
Digital Tutors - Your First Day in Mudbox 2014
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Digital Tutors - Your First Day in Mudbox 2014

Digital Tutors - Mudbox 2014 入门




In this series of tutorials, we'll take you through your first day  working in Mudbox. When learning a new software package, sometimes it's  good to just jump in with both feet and create something.

In  this course we'll do just that as we create a little creature from base  geometry to a finished, painted sculpt. We'll cover methods of working  with geometry. We'll learn to shape and sculpt our mesh. We'll add  high-frequency detail using layers and talk about creating UVs. We'll  also paint a texture for our creature, blending together multiple paint  layers. We'll learn to use photographs to paint textures and learn to  paint texture channels like specularity, gloss, and incandescence.

This  step-by-step tutorial is designed to be a quick look at Mudbox and  allow to get the feel of working on a whole project, without bogging  down in the details of the interface or blasting you with every workflow  possibility. Once you're done, we encourage you to go deeper with the  Introduction to Mudbox, Sculpting Workflows, Painting Workflows, or any  of our project based courses.

标签: 建模 教程 模型 角色
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Mudbox
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/24 16:12:33 | 更新时间:2015/10/4 17:19:53

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