
Digital Tutors - Introduction to RealFlow 2013
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Digital Tutors - Introduction to RealFlow 2013

Digital Tutors - RealFlow 2013 入门

在这个RealFlow 2013教程中,我们将介绍一些RealFlow的2013最基本的概念和工作流程,用来很好的理解它的关键特性。我们将学习如何建立我们的RealFlow项目,那些项目是如何通过RealFlow的组织,如何操作RealFlow的界面。一些在RealFlow里极为重要的概念,包括场景的缩放和步骤,我们将需要一些时间来获得这些概念,他们将影响我们的RealFlow项目。在整个教程中,我们学习许多在RealFlow2013的关系编辑器这个新功能,连接节点在新的图形系统...


In this RealFlow 2013 tutorial, we'll be taking an introductory look at  many of the key features found in RealFlow 2013 with the goal of getting  a good understanding of some of the most fundamental concepts and  workflows in RealFlow 2013.

We'll start by learning how we can  set up our RealFlow projects and looking at how those projects are  organized by RealFlow.  From there we'll learn how to move around the  RealFlow interface before starting to work with our first fluid  particles and some of the important parameters that will help us control  our particles.

Now some of the other extremely important  concepts in RealFlow include scene scale and substeps, so we'll take  some time to get a good understanding of how these concepts can be set  up and how they will affect our RealFlow projects.

Throughout  this training we'll take a look at many of the new features found in  RealFlow 2013 such as the Relationship Editor, connecting nodes together  in the new graph system, using the incredibly powerful Hybrido 2 and of  course previewing our fluids using the new integration with Maxwell  Render, just to name a few.

By the end of this tutorial you'll have a solid understanding of the concepts and workflows in RealFlow 2013.

标签: 流体模拟 液体
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > RealFlow
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/23 22:21:44 | 更新时间:2015/9/30 19:09:35

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