
Digital Tutors - Your First Day with Oculus Rift in Unity
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Digital Tutors - Your First Day with Oculus Rift in Unity

Digital Tutors - Unity 头戴显示器入门

Unity教程中,我们将讨论如何开始使用头戴显示开发套件。 首先,我们将学习如何正确挂接耳机及控制箱,然后,我们将讨论如何建立我们的工作空间,以获得与头戴显示充分的交互。之后,我们将学习如何导入正确的资源开始使用Unity


In this series of Unity tutorials we will discuss how to get started using the Oculus Rift Dev Kit.

We'll  get started by learning how to properly hook up the headset and control  box. Then we'll discuss how to set up our workspace in order to get the  full experience with the Rift. After that we'll learn how to import the  proper packages to get started with the Rift in our Unity projects.

From  here we'll learn how to quickly start using the Rift by adding the  Player Controller to our custom level. Once we've had our fun, we'll  start to break down the folder structure and get in depth with the  parameters of the Player and Camera Controllers. Then we'll reinforce  what we've learned by modifying our player controller to work with a  character in our project.

标签: 游戏开发 u3d unity3d vr ar
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Unity 3d
发布:CGer | 查看:5560 | 发表时间:2014/2/22 20:01:56 | 更新时间:2015/10/1 15:53:26

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