
Digital Tutors - Working with 3D in Toon Boom Harmony
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Digital Tutors - Working with 3D in Toon Boom Harmony

Digital Tutors - 在Toon Boom Harmony里创建3D动画


专业级动画软件Toon Boom Harmony的前身就是大名鼎鼎的 USAnimation 。


学习理解Toon Boom  Harmony的3D功能,你就可以把你的动画技术提升到一个全新的视觉层次。我们将从摄像机开始,透视图,侧视图,俯视图。从这里,我们将学习如何才能利用这些不同的视图来创建一个多层的场景,这将允许我们创建三维深度的场景。在此之后,我们将学习如何添加一个相机,并使用我们的场景中的多个平面制作动画。在此之后,我们将学习如何才能使2D绘图层在3D空间中旋转,看看我们如何能够使用绘图层构建三维物体。我们也将学习如何在三维空间旋转相机并映射2D图像到相机上。最后,我们将学习如何导入3D模型到Toon Boom  Harmony。


By gaining an understanding of the 3D capabilities featured in Toon Boom  Harmony, you'll be able to take your animation techniques to a whole  new visual level.

We'll begin with an overview of the camera,  perspective, side, and top views in the Harmony interface. From here  we'll learn how we can position the layers of a scene using these  different views to create a multi-plane setup that will allow us to  create the illusion of three dimensional depth in our scene.

Following  this we'll learn how to add a camera and animate it across the multiple  planes of our scene.  After this we'll learn how we can enable 2D  drawing layers to be rotated in 3D space and see how we can construct 3D  objects using drawing layers.

Along the way we'll also learn  how we can rotate a camera in 3D space in addition to mapping a 2D  drawing layer to the rotation of a camera. Finally, we'll learn how you  can activate you 3D token license and import 3D models into Toon Boom  Harmony.

标签: 教程 动画 卡通
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 其他3D教程
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/22 12:02:34 | 更新时间:2015/9/30 18:57:45

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