
Digital Tutors - V-Ray Hypershade Nodes in Maya
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Digital Tutors - V-Ray Hypershade Nodes in Maya

Digital Tutors - 玛雅里V-Ray的材质编辑节点



In this collection of lessons we will be exploring  several of the V-Ray rendering nodes that can be found in Maya's  Hypershade. These Hypershade nodes can be used to create a variety of  effects and many of these nodes provide us a number of additional  controls over our V-Ray renders. For example, we will be taking an  in-depth look at a number of nodes that can be used individually or used  together to create a variety of surface material types that obey  real-world laws of optics. We will also learn a variety of methods for  adding volumetric effects to our renders, creating subsurface scattering  materials, using geometry as a direct illumination source, along with  many other lessons dedicated to the various V-Ray nodes found in Maya's  Hypershade.

标签: 教程 视频 渲染 学习 玛雅
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/22 11:48:00 | 更新时间:2015/10/1 10:49:37

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