
Digital tutors - Mental Ray Tips and Tricks
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Digital tutors - Mental Ray Tips and Tricks

Digital tutors -  Mental Ray 的提示和技巧

学习的创造性的技巧和窍门为渲染和节省时间,可以用于产品设计,电影,游戏和商业广告的mental ray技术。包含了2个小时的基于项目的训练 - 适合中级艺术家最大化时间和创造力。流行亮点包括:储存/重复使用全局照明光子贴图;储存/重复使用最终聚集地图,BSP的诊断;的mental ray渲染诊断;渲染层,覆盖层;自定义MEL脚本的属性调整,转换为MAP格式,控制最终聚集光。合成渲染层在外部应用程序,景深效果器,运动向量层,优化mental ray的内存使用。


Learn an array of creative tips and tricks to rendering  and time-saving mental ray techniques that can be used for Product  Design, Film, Games, and Commercials. Contains 2 hours of project-based  training - Perfect for intermediate artists maximizing time and  creativity. Popular highlights include:  Storing / Reusing Global  Illumination Photon Maps;  Storing / Reusing Final Gather Maps;  BSP  Diagnostics;  mental ray Render Diagnostics;  Render Layers;  Layer  Overrides;  Custom MEL Scripts for Attribute Adjustment;  Converting to  .MAP format;  Controlling Final Gather Light Intensity;  Compositing  Render Layers in External Applications;  Depth Passes for Depth-of-Field  Effects;  Motion Vector Passes;  Optimizing mental ray Memory Usage.


标签: 教程 视频 渲染 学习
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 其他3D教程
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/20 20:49:21 | 更新时间:2015/9/30 18:45:52

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