
digitaltutors - UV Mapping Workflows in 3ds Max
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digitaltutors - UV Mapping Workflows in 3ds Max

digitaltutors -  3ds Max 贴图展开工作流程

在这种3ds Max的教程中,我们将学习改进的3ds Max所提供的贴图展开编辑器。


In this 3ds Max tutorial, we will discuss the improved  workflows and tools that 3ds Max has to offer in the UV Editor.  Then  we'll discuss the different projection map types and some possible  situations of when to use the correct map type. We'll learn how to use  the powerful UV mapping tools like Stitch, Relax, Flatten Mapping,  Target Welding, and Break. UV mapping is going to be essential for  anyone who loves 3d modeling because it's going to allow us to create  our very own custom textures to apply to our 3d models.



标签: 教程 模型 贴图 展开 uv
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/2/3 18:19:20 | 更新时间:2015/11/26 0:40:07

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