
Sculptris Alpha6 Windows & Mac
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Sculptris Alpha6 Windows & Mac

Sculptris是pixologic 公司的雕刻软件,Sculptris 被设计为尽可能地让每一种类型的艺术家都能容易使用的雕刻软件。该软件的功能能被毫不费力地使用,即使是最初级用户都能够直接开始创建模型。当你变得更加熟练,你将开始在应用程序中发现新的深度。您的刻画将采取创意和细节。

在最近的教程 Evermotion Archviz Vol 2 中的建模过程中使用了本软件。


Sculptris has been designed to be as accessible as possible to every  type of artist.  The interface is effortless to navigate and each  feature is easy to locate. Even the most novice user is able to start  creating within moments.

As you become more skilled, you will begin to discover new depths  within the application.  Your sculpts will be taken to new levels of  creativity and detail the more experienced you become.

Sculptris offers two navigation methods to accommodate your  preferences and what you're already used to. By default, Sculptris  lauches with ZBrush navigation controls known as Right-Click Navigation  and Free Moving Navigation. Alternatively, Sculptris's Original  Navigation and hotkeys can be toggled on or off.


标签: 建模软件 雕刻软件 雕塑软件 细分
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2014/1/1 22:35:58 | 更新时间:2015/8/17 11:49:31

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