
Epic Stock Media - Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 (WAV) - 声音素材
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Epic Stock Media - Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 (WAV) - 声音素材

奇异游戏环境循环 3 - 这是奇异游戏系列的第三卷,它为您带来了一套强大的制作就绪背景声音循环。

第 3 卷适合在恐怖、悬疑、紧张、黑暗情绪、惊悚、轻幻想和自然主题作品中设置场景。奇异游戏环境循环 3 拥有长达五小时的音效,提供 65 种音效集的真实而引人注目的背景音调。黑暗和情绪化、环境、工厂和工业、自然、科幻、和谐音调、积极等等。

有了这么多内容,毫无疑问,您将能够很好地创造完美的感觉和音景,让您的音频作品栩栩如生。非常适合 3D、2D、移动应用游戏、动态图形、电影和任何创意音频项目。

294 种可用于游戏的音效和循环所有文件均以原始 96kHz/24bit .WAV 格式提供,超过 10 GB 的样本可提供广泛的创作可能性,5 小时的音频内容可提供广阔的长篇音景,使用灵活的模块化循环层设计您自己的 BG 声音,该库具有 294 个精心制作的循环,使您能够轻松构建身临其境的声音世界。


Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 - This is the third volume in the Strange Game series, it brings you a power pack of production-ready background sound loops. 

Volume 3 is tuned for setting the scene in horror, suspense, tension, dark moody, thriller, lite fantasy and nature themed productions.With a massive five hours of sound, Strange Game Ambient Loops 3 provides authentic and compelling background tones with 65 sound sets. Dark and moody, Environmental, Factory and Industrial, Nature, Sci-fi, Harmonically Tonal, Positive and more. 

With so much content, there’s no question you’ll be well equipped to create the perfect feel and soundscape to bring your audio productions to life. Perfect for 3D, 2D, mobile app games, motion graphics, film and any creative audio project. 

294 game-ready sound effects and loopsAll files delivered in pristine 96kHz/24bit .WAVOver 10 GB of samples for extensive creative possibilities5 hours of audio content for expansive long form soundscapesDesign Your Own BG Sound with Flexible Modular Loop LayersFeaturing 294 expertly crafted loops, this library empowers you to build immersive worlds of sound with ease. 

标签: 声音 音效 音乐 素材 配音 背景
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/3/19 23:15:33 | 更新时间:2025/3/19 23:23:52

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