
Satori Time Bend
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Satori Time Bend v1.0.0 Mac

Satori Time Bend v1.0.1 win

Time Bend 旨在更好地替代 After Effects 中的 Time Displacement 效果。主要区别在于对帧序列的控制更加灵活,可与可编辑转场混合,支持循环,或通过曲线相位对时间映射进行动画处理。

Time Bend 插件通过组合相对于当前帧的不同时间的同一素材的多个帧来扭曲素材。我们可以将一组参数分为三个主要部分:时间线上的帧、映射源的转换和混合选项。



Time Bend aims as a better replacement for the Time Displacement effect in After Effects. The main difference is more versatile control over the frame sequence, blending with editable transition, loops support, or animating time mapping via curve phase.

The Time Bend plugin distorts footage by combining multiple frames of the same footage from different times relative to the current frame. We can divide a set of parameters into three main sections: frames on the timeline, transformation of mapping source, and blending options.

The plugin’s main parameter is frame count, which defines how many frames are combined. Another one is the time step, which determines distances between the frames on the timeline. You can specify this sequence in a forward or backward direction using a preferred stepping unit: frames or seconds. By default, the sequence of frames starts from the current frame, but by using time offset, you can also alter that. Edge time mode is a handy parameter, which controls how to handle frames out of the layer’s boundaries, which is especially useful when applying to a looping layer and producing seamless output.

标签: ae After Effects 插件 软件 工具 动画
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > After Effects
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/3/13 16:20:31 | 更新时间:2025/3/13 16:25:41

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Satori Time Bend v1.0.0 Mac

Satori Time Bend v1.0.1 win

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