
Digital Tutors - Developing Expert Product Visualizations in Maya and V-Ray
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Digital Tutors - Developing Expert Product Visualizations in Maya and V-Ray

Digital Tutors - Maya和V-Ray开发产品可视化





In this tutorial we will learn how to model a product, in this example a mini soundboard, from concept to the final render.

We  will learn how to take a simple 2D sketch and turn it into a realistic  model, ready to be presented as a pre-visualization mock-up. We will  learn how to create a simple studio lighting setup to present our model  in, by using the powerful V-Ray Blend Material to create highly  customizable non-destructive shaders.

We will also learn how to  create a wide variety of realistic yet simple shaders using the V-Ray  Material. Finally, we will look at the powerful Render Elements that  V-Ray has to offer, to create our final image in post.

By the  end of this tutorial, you will have the knowledge to create your own  concept models and get some beautiful renders for your product  pre-visualization.


标签: 渲染 材质 教程 vray maya
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/11/25 15:17:38 | 更新时间:2015/9/30 18:39:28

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