Gumroad - iPhone HDR Conversion Input LUT for Adobe Premiere Pro
适用于 Adobe Premiere Pro 的 iPhone HDR 转换输入 LUT。终于!实际修复了您在 iPhone 上拍摄的 HDR 素材在 Adobe Premiere Pro 中看起来曝光过度的问题。此 LUT 适用于 Adobe Premiere Pro v22.0 及更高版本。享受此 LUT 并与您的朋友分享!如果您在 Adobe Premiere Pro 2022 中编辑任何类型的 iPhone HDR 视频,您实际上必须这样做才能让您的素材在您的 iPhone 上看起来与未经编辑的完全相同。这可确保您充分利用 HDR 视频的高动态范围。
是的,我免费为您提供此 LUT,但如果您愿意,请随意留下小费,由您决定 :)
如何使用此 LUT:
步骤 1:
在项目窗口中找到您导入的 iPhone 素材,突出显示所有素材,右键单击,转到修改,然后解释素材...并转到颜色管理
单击颜色空间覆盖上方的输入 LUT 下拉菜单并添加 HDR 转换 LUT
步骤 2:
然后,单击颜色空间覆盖并选择 Rec.2020 颜色空间,然后单击“确定”
*如果您使用的是旧版本的 Adobe Premiere Pro,则无需将您的 iPhone 素材转换为 Rec.2020 颜色空间。只需按照步骤 1 应用转换 LUT 并跳过步骤 2。祝您编辑愉快!
Finally! An ACTUAL FIX for you HDR footage shot on your iPhone that looks overexposed in Adobe Premiere Pro. This LUT is to be used with Adobe Premiere Pro v22.0 and higher. Enjoy this LUT and share it with your friends! If you're editing iPhone HDR video of ANY KIND in Adobe Premiere Pro 2022, you literally HAVE TO DO THIS in order to get your footage to look EXACTLY how it does, unedited on your iPhone. This ensures you take FULL ADVANTAGE of the High Dynamic Range of your HDR video.
Yes, I'm giving you this LUT for FREE, but if you feel so inclined, feel free to leave a tip, at your discretion :)
Find your imported iPhone footage in your Project Window, Highlight all of the footage, right click, go to Modify, then Interpret Footage... and go down to Color Management
Click on the Input LUT drop down just above Color Space Override and add the HDR Conversion LUT
Then, click on Color Space Override and select the Rec.2020 color space and click ‘ok’
*If you're using an OLDER version of Adobe Premiere Pro, you DO NOT need to convert your iPhone footage to Rec.2020 Color Space. Simply apply the Conversion LUT by following STEP 1 and skip STEP 2. Happy editing!
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