
Crates Light Wrap
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Crates Light Wrap 1.0.1 Win

ProductionCrate 发布了适用于 Adobe After Effects 的免费 Light Wrap 插件!Crate 的 Light Wrap 解决了任何 VFX 艺术家面临的最大障碍之一,即如何在 After Effects 中干净轻松地进行合成。我们专门将其与 FootageCrate 上提供的 VFX 资源一起使用,但它可以完美满足任何合成师的需求。


光包裹是一种有效且未得到充分利用的技术,可提高合成器 VFX 的真实感。它们模拟了前景周围极亮光线的明显扩散,有助于将合成层整合到背景中。这在视觉上融合了两个不同的层,创建了一个统一的最终图像。




ProductionCrate has released a free light wrap plugin for Adobe After Effects! It is available to download now. Crate’s Light Wrap fixes one of the biggest obstacles any VFX artist faces, how to cleanly and easily composite in After Effects. We made it specifically for use alongside the VFX Assets available at FootageCrate, but it works perfectly for any compositor’s needs.

What is a light wrap?

Light-wraps are an effective and underutilized technique that improves the realism of a compositor VFX. These simulate the apparent diffusion of extremely bright lights around a foreground, helping to integrate the composited layer into the background. This visually blends the two different layers, creating a cohesive unified final image.

When should I use a light wrap?

Light wraps are commonly used against bright backgrounds, skies, fire video effects and any other intense sources of illumination. This can be added with the motivation of improving the realism of a scene, as a bright source of light (such as an explosion) will carry excessive luminant energy that leaks into adjacent pixels. This means that when a particular area of an explosion is being obscured by a foreground, its colors may still influence the pixel’s final output due to bloom, illumination and fog scattering.

标签: ae After Effects 插件 软件 工具 后期 合成 效果
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/3/5 15:59:45 | 更新时间:2025/3/5 16:16:58

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