
RaffoVFX Patreon May 2024
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RaffoVFX Patreon May 2024

拉福 在 Patreon 上的 Blender 特效教程合集,更新至 2024年5月,28.3GB。


3D cleanplates and removing objects from videos.mp4

3d scans & Polycam My full workflow

A powerful phone app for VFX realism.mp4

A.I. motion capture !.mp4

Adding atmospheric fog (+zombies) to real videos.mp4

An idea for music videos.mp4

Autumn assets (and asset browser management).mp4

Bend buildings in blender tutorial

Boosting realism in VFX blender renders.mp4

Bullet time explosions

Camera tacking for vertical videos - the solutions for all problems.mp4

Car explosion

Cleanplates (technique 2) - removing the Pisa Tower from drone footage.mp4

Create your digital sosia for VFX quick & easy.mp4

Destruction in Blender  physics interactions.mp4

Destruction in Blender How to fracture complex geometry objects.mp4

Destruction in Blender How to maximize Blender performance.mp4

Destructions simulations - Unusual tricks for higher quality fractures.mp4

Disintegration jump VFX in Blender.mp4

Driving CGI cars on real footage.mp4

Dynamic damage material.mp4

Easily making a huge meteorites storm.mp4

Explosions shaders and compositing.mp4

Fiat 500 in Venice - MAKING OF VFX.mp4

Fixing THAT Blender bug for simulations once for all.mp4

Greenscreen set extension with log footage in Blender.mp4

Ground shockwave with RBD lab - Blender tutorial.mp4

Helicopter destruction simulation

How I animated a lion statue on real footage.mp4

How to deal with complex shots in camera tracking.mp4

Inflating human VFX.mp4

Making a Car Shooter system in Blender like in movies VFX.mp4

Making a giant whirlpool hole in the water.mp4

Making a tentacle destruction simulation.mp4

Making a Tsunami Earthquake city deformation in Blender.mp4

Making sparks from cars.mp4

Making the Flying Hammock scene in Blender

Physics Boost Addon - a 1 click tool made in ChatGPT for faster simulations.mp4

Preparing cars for simulations and or destruction 16 essential tips!.mp4

Preparing complex objects for destruction + all common problems fix.mp4

Read me.rar

Realtime Car Destruction - FULL COURSE

Realtime meteorites - Blender Tutorial.mp4

Saving days of render time.mp4

SET EXTENSION using gradients.mp4

Simulating a guardrail metal deformation in Blender.mp4

Simulation of a crane destruction

Soft buildings (watch bendy building tutorial before watching this).mp4

The point of contact in VFX.mp4

The world in Blender.mp4

Tutorial creating a better glow effect.mp4


tutorial flying fleets.mp4

Tutorial multilevel destruction on a house.mp4

Tutorial optimizing 3d scans in Blender.mp4

TUTORIAL Replacing objects in Blender.mp4

TUTORIAL VFX in Blender use this.mp4

VFX Walkthrough the scene Flying Gondolas in Venice.mp4

Visual Effects putting CGI on water.mp4

You don't need a greenscreen. How to MASTER your motion tracking skills.mp4

标签: blender 影视 特效 动画 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Blender
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/2/5 20:37:06 | 更新时间:2025/2/5 20:50:16

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