
Large scale procedural terrain generator with 3D cities
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Large scale procedural terrain generator with 3D cities

这是适用于 Blender Cycles 的大型程序地形生成器,具有 3D 自然和城市。

地形由程序噪波制成,3D 结构和树木由保存的位移图像生成。这不需要任何 mod 或插件即可使用。

此下载包含具有氛围的程序地形设置。一切都带有纹理,并具有城市灯光,可用于夜间渲染。此模型可用于商业目的,最初仅为 Blender Cycles 开发。


This is a large scale procedural terrain generator with 3D nature and cities for Blender Cycles.

The terrain is made with procedural noise and the 3D structures and trees are generated by saved displacement images. This doesn’t need any mods or plugins to use.

This download contains a procedural terrain setup with atmosphere. everything is textured and features city lights for night time renders. This model can be used for commercial purposes and is originally developed for Blender Cycles only.

标签: blender 插件 软件 建模 工具 地形 环境 景观
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/2/4 20:49:58 | 更新时间:2025/2/4 20:58:01

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