
Unreal Engine Marketplace Asset Bundle 4 January 2025
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Unreal Engine Marketplace Asset Bundle 4 January 2025

Unreal Engine市场的资源合集,Unreal Engine Marketplac帮助开发者分享和出售物品,使其更容易创造梦幻般的体验与Epic的工具和技术。资源整合在一个下载链接里,请自己选择下载。2025年 1 月更新第 4 部分,总计50个项目源文件,82 GB。



We building the Marketplace to help developers share and sell items that make it easier to create fantastic experiences with Epic's tools and technology.

Whether you just starting out or finishing a major project, we have what you need in the Marketplace. You will find sample games and scenes, art and audio, Blueprint logic and even C++ code that can be repurposed and used in any UE4 game or application.


Narrative Inventory - Inventory & Equipment System v1.6 (5.4)

Narrative Navigator - Maps, Compasses, Waypoints v1.1 (5.4)

Natural Wonders - The Alps v5.0+


Oceanology v5.7.0 (5.4, 5.5)

Old Kitchen 4.12+


Opera Hall v5.3+

Operating Room Pack 5.0-5.4

PathFollow 4.11 - 4.27 and 5.0 - 5.5

Photoscanned model of City Park (4.27)

Pirate Girl v4.22+

Pixel Particle Effect v.02 (5.0+)

Planes in the Sky UE4.27+

Polar Sci-Fi Facility 5.4

POLYGON - Ancient Empire - UE4

POLYGON - Apocalypse Wasteland - UE4

POLYGON - Battle Royale - UE4

POLYGON - City Characters Pack - UE4

POLYGON - Construction Pack  - UE4

POLYGON - Horse Pack - UE5

POLYGON - Kids Pack - UE4

POLYGON - Nature Biomes - Season One - UE4

POLYGON - Nightclubs - UE4

POLYGON - Pirate Pack - UE4

POLYGON - Sci-Fi Worlds - UE4

Post Apocalyptic Industrial Scene 4.27+

Post Process Shader - Scan Effect v5.0+

Post Process Shader - World Effect v5.0+

PP801 Character P3 v4.26+

Pro Navigation System v4.22+

ProInstance v1.27

R-Tune Vehicle Physics

rdLODtools v1.45 UE (5.2, 5.3, 5.4)

Read me

RealBiomes - Desert Cliffs UE 5.0

Realistic Assault Rifle Template v5.0+

Realistic Materials VOL.3 - Suburban Exteriors (50 Materials) v5.1+

Realistic Water VFX_UE5.3+

Replicated Drivable Gokart v5.0+

Retro 80's VOL.3 - Toys (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

Retro 80's VOL.4 - Electronics (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

Rewards & Loots - Sound Effects v4.24+

Roadside VOL.2 - Town and City (Nanite and Low Poly Versions) 5.4

Roadside VOL.3 - Rural Props (Nanite and Low Poly Versions) 5.4

Robot Spider v4.2x+

Roman and Celtic Pack v4.19+

Rome - Italian Town v5.2+

Root Motion Fix Tool  Mocap animations root motion cleaner and fixer v2.0 (5.3-5.5)

RPG ENGINE v1.7.1 5.5

Ryokan [Japanese Courtyard] (5.1+)

标签: ue unreal 资源包 项目源文件 MarketPlace 资源 素材 场景 模型
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > Unreal Engine 资源
发布:CGer | 查看:56 | 发表时间:2025/1/16 14:05:59 | 更新时间:2025/1/16 14:08:40

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