
Unreal Engine Marketplace Asset Bundle 3 January 2025
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Unreal Engine Marketplace Asset Bundle 3 January 2025

Unreal Engine市场的资源合集,Unreal Engine Marketplac帮助开发者分享和出售物品,使其更容易创造梦幻般的体验与Epic的工具和技术。资源整合在一个下载链接里,请自己选择下载。2025年 1 月更新第 3 部分,总计75个项目源文件,107 GB。



We building the Marketplace to help developers share and sell items that make it easier to create fantastic experiences with Epic's tools and technology.

Whether you just starting out or finishing a major project, we have what you need in the Marketplace. You will find sample games and scenes, art and audio, Blueprint logic and even C++ code that can be repurposed and used in any UE4 game or application.


G2 Cyborg Characters 02 4.25+

Galactic Cat v5.0+

Ghost Town VOL.1 - Old Sheds 5.1+

Ghost Town VOL.2 - Abandoned Houses 5.1+

Ghost Town VOL.3 - Modular Fences 5.1+

Ghost Town VOL.4 - Abandoned Houses 5.1-5.4

Goat with groom v5.0+

Goth girl v4.26+

Grocery VOL.2 - Household Items (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

Ground Material Pack (Advanced Materials  5 Variations) v5.1+

Ground Vol.48 - Hand Painted Textures v4.x+

Holo-Gen Hologram Creator System v5.2+

Horizon UI Plugin (DialogueMsgTextBlock and Flipbook) 5.3-5.4

Horse Animset 3.1 (5.0+)

Horse Animset Unreal Engine 5

Horse Starter Kit - ue

Horse Starter Kit v4.27+

House Along the River ( House River Village Stylized Stylised Environment 3d ) v5.3+

Icon Generator (5.0)

Industrial VOL.4 - Electricity, Hydro, and Water Treatment 5.4

Interactive Lights System (5.1+)

Interactive Water, Ocean and Swim Systems (5.4+)

Interactive Water, Ocean and Swim Systems 5.3+

Intervention 4.27

Inventory and Stat System v5.0+

Japanese Construction Site Props v5.0+

Jet Packs Bundle v4.15+

Junkyard City v4.26+

Just Whoosh 2 v4.18+

Just Whoosh 4 - 1st Strike 5.4

Kitsune v4.26+

Knife v4.25+

Laser Reflection The Game v4.2x+

Laundry VOL.2 - Home Laundry (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

LE Socket Connection v5.0

Lighting VOL.1 - Interior (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

Lighting VOL.2 - Interior (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

Lighting VOL.3 - Industrial (Nanite and Low Poly) 5.4

Loadout System V1.1 V4.25 - V4.27, V5.0

Lock System v4.25+

Log Cabin - Unreal Engine

Magic Circles and Shields 2 v4.26+

Magic Sigil VFXMaterial Pack v4.24+

Magic Skills 1 (5.0)

MagicPowerSkills UE5.1+

MaskedRockShader 4.26+

Massive Game Music Collection v4.10+

Matrix  Rain of Symbols - VFX v5.0+

Matte Painting Skybox Pack IV v4.20+

Matte Painting Skybox Pack V v4.20+

Medieval Castle & House 4.25+

Medieval RPG Toolkit - Foley FX 4.27+

Medieval weapons 4.19

Melee Tracing Plugin v4.12+

Melee+ UE5.0+

Mesh Ops - Mesh Operations Plugin 1.06 (5.3, 5.4)

Metal Materials Vol 2 4.17+

Military Vfx Pack v4.27+

Missile Launcher Robot v5.0+

Modern Building Pack v4.23+

Modular Brutalist Levelscapes 5.0 - 5.4

Modular Japanese Architecture Pack v4.18+

Modular Medieval Docks  Harbor (Medieval Town, Stylized Town, Town, City) v4.26+

Modular Sci-Fi Control Center v4.24+

Modular Sci-Fi Station v4.24+

Mumble's Action Crossbow v4.26+

Music Star Studio v4.26+

Mutant 4.27

MW Conifer Forest Trees Biome

MW Meadow Forest Trees Biome

MW Tropical Rainforest Trees Biome

MySQL and MariaDB Integration 5.3

MySQL and MariaDB Integration v4.1 UE5.5

MySQL Integration 4.27-5.0

Mythical Volcano Village Megapack ( Volcano Village Mythical Village 3D Greek ) 5.5

标签: ue unreal 资源包 项目源文件 MarketPlace 资源 素材 场景 模型
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > Unreal Engine 资源
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/1/16 14:02:18 | 更新时间:2025/1/16 14:04:47

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