
Dimensiva 2024 - Accesories
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Dimensiva 2024 - Accesories

Dimensiva 网站2024年更新的配件模型合集,共16个类别,410个模型。

















Artworks & Decoration


Bowls & Vases

Candles & Sticks

Carpets & Rugs


Clothing, Wearables & Luggage


Door Stoppers

Hooks & Hangers




Switches & Sockets

Tabletop Games

Various Accesories


L’Object 的大理石国际象棋套装

&Tradition 的 Momento 花瓶 JH40

&Tradition 的 Momento 花瓶 JH41

Bene 的野生动物系列装饰品

Kristina Dam Studio 的拱门钢雕塑

Boconcept 的艺术线条艺术品墙饰

Desenio 的艺术印刷品抽象画笔海报

Desenio 的艺术印刷品金色桉树海报

Desenio 的艺术印刷品海报柏林拱门

Desenio 的艺术印刷品海报形状和线条

Desenio 的艺术印刷品水彩形状海报

Set 的 Asmat 01 雕塑印度尼西亚

Warm Nordic 的喙鸟清醒鹬装饰

Warm Nordic 的喙鸟懒惰鹬装饰

Warm Nordic 的喙鸟低苍鹭装饰

Warm Nordic 的喙鸟高苍鹭装饰

Bene 的 Bfriends 沙漠系列装饰品

Alioli 的黑色睡眼墙饰

Tom 的块状装饰陶瓷Dixon

Kristina Dam Studio 的砖制陶瓷雕塑

Time Style 的青铜铸造雕塑 T 891

Time Style 的青铜铸造雕塑 T 892

Origin Made 的 Brut 圆形碗雕塑

Origin Made 的 Brut 椭圆形碗雕塑

Origin Made 的 Brut 软方形碗雕塑

Paolo Castelli 的 Burattino 人体模型

Tom Dixon 的 Cast Factory 存钱罐

Desenio 的 Ciao Bella 海报

Kristina Dam Studio 的轮廓雕塑 L

Kristina Dam Studio 的轮廓雕塑 S

Boconcept 的封面雕塑

Hay 的 Deco 手工装饰

Vitra 的 Eames House Bird

Okko 的 Earth Acoustic Wall Panel 艺术品

Edith Beurskens 的 Ebe 3d Shapes 艺术品

Origin Made 的 Flight 雕塑

Mad Lab 的 Four Houses 木制装饰

Galerie Dummies Monitillo 1980 年的雕塑

E15 的 Haus 纸镇

Bloomingville 的抽象头像雕塑

I I Collection 的 Hermes 水泥雕塑

Caroline Walls 的 In Between Days 绘画

Cooee Design 的 Knot Small 装饰

Vitra 的 L Oiseau Cork Bird 装饰

Graphite 的 Ladders 艺术印刷海报

Normann Copenhagen 的 Little Bird 装饰人物

Normann Copenhagen 的 Little Bird 木制人物

Kristina Dam Studio 的大理石圆圈装饰

Rouse Home 的纪念品 My Spaceship 装饰

Corinne Melanie 的 Mons Vita II 艺术印刷绘画

Corinne Melanie 的 Mons Vita III 艺术印刷绘画

Corinne Melanie 的 Mons Vita Iv 艺术印刷绘画

Edith Beurskens 的 Moon 3d Shapes 艺术品

Seletti 的 My Robot 装饰物

Seletti 的 My Robot Gold 装饰物

Olifant 装饰物Caussa

Normann Copenhagen 的滨鸟装饰人物

Siebensachen 的音乐盒

Kristina Dam Studio 的剪影插图艺术

Origin Made 的螺旋雕塑

Gardeco 的缪斯梅尔波墨涅雕塑

Gardeco 的缪斯 Clio Plus 雕塑

Gardeco 的缪斯梅尔波墨涅小雕塑

Gardeco 的缪斯塔利亚青铜雕塑

Salvatori 的村庄灯塔雕塑

Salvatori 的村庄乌托邦装饰

Gazzda 的 Tica 鸟装饰

Warm Nordic 的旋转鸟装饰 L

Warm Nordic 的旋转鸟装饰 M

Warm Nordic 的旋转鸟装饰 S

Warm Nordic 的旋转鸟装饰 Xl

Bene 的野生动物系列

Hay 的木手

Jakar 的木制男性人体模型

Abrams 咖啡桌书籍系列Abrams

Gejst 的 Arkis 白色书挡

Assouline 的咖啡桌书系列

Taschen 的 Bauhaus 书

Cooee Design 的书环书挡

Thames Hudson 的 Catwalk 书系列

Assouline 的 Chanel 3 Books Slipcase

Thameshudson 的 Chanel Collections And Creations 书

Assouline 的 Chanel The Impossible Collection 书

Assouline 的 Chic 咖啡桌书系列

Hfullmann 的时尚书

Potter Style 的 Made For Living 书

Pimar 的 Metafisica Lecce Stone 书挡

Putnam 的 Nasty Galaxy 书

Assouline 的 New York by Ny 书

When Objects Work 的 Pewter 书挡

Ethnicraft 的 Pi 书挡

Asplund 的 Polpo A Venetian Cookbook

Phaidon 的 Rihanna 书

Taschen 的 Sebastiao Salgado Gold 书

E15 的 Stop 书挡

The Dior 书系列Assouline

Ouur 的《The Kinfolk Home》一书

Rizzoli 的《Tom Ford 002》一书

Rizzoli 的《Tom Ford》一书

Taschen 的《Velaezquez》一书

Taschen 的《Vermeer》一书

Iitala 的《Alvar Aalto Vase 160》一书

Iitala 的《Alvar Aalto Vase 181》一书

Iitala 的《Alvar Aalto Vase 251》一书

Ferm Living 的《Anse 瓷花瓶》一书

Kristina Dam Studio 的《药剂师瓷花瓶》一书

Kristina Dam Studio 的《带蒲苇的药剂师花瓶》一书

Adriani E Rossi Edizioni 的《Bacio 陶瓷花瓶》一书

Louise Roe 的《带月光的气球花瓶 01》一书

Louise Roe 的《带月光的气球花瓶 02》一书

Louise Roe 的《气球花瓶 04》一书

Louise Roe 的《气球花瓶 05》一书

Faina 的《Bandura 花瓶套装》设计

Tom Dixon 设计的 Beat Vessels

101 Copenhagen 设计的 Bloom Vase Slim

Normann Copenhagen 设计的 Chub Bowl Large

Normann Copenhagen 设计的 Chub Bowl Medium

Normann Copenhagen 设计的 Chub Bowl Small

Tecta 设计的 Cut 2 Bowl

Kristina Dam Studio 设计的 Dual Vase

Menu 设计的 Echasse Vase

Normann Copenhagen 设计的 Fem Decorative Bowl

Boconcept 设计的 Float Vase

Boconcept 设计的 Float Vase With Flowers

Fontanaarte 设计的 Fontana 吹制玻璃花瓶

Adriani E Rossi Edizioni 设计的 Giravolta 陶瓷花瓶

Bloomingville 设计的 Green Wave 玻璃花瓶

Calligaris 设计的 Ionico 陶瓷花瓶

Bloomingville 设计的 Itamar 金属花瓶

salvatori 的石质餐碗

Muuto 的 Kink 花瓶

Muuto 的 Kink 花瓶

Lassen 的 Kubus 碗

Lassen 的 Kubus Lolo 花瓶

Lassen 的 Kubus Lolo 花瓶

Dbkd 的长花瓶 M

Dbkd 的长花瓶 Small

Boconcept 的 Luna 金属花瓶

Karakter 的 Mangiarotti 大理石碗和花瓶

Muuto 的 Mere 碗 21 厘米

Muuto 的 Mere 碗 36 厘米

Bloomingville 的带把手金属花瓶

Tradition 的 Momento 花瓶 Jh40

Tradition 的 Momento 花瓶 Jh41

Louise Roe 的 Pirout 花瓶

Origin Made 的 Portal 花瓶

Collection Particuliere 的 Ray 中号装饰碗

Collection Particuliere 的 Ray 小型装饰碗

Collection Particuliere 的 Ray 宽装饰碗

Rope 大号Dbkd 设计的花瓶

Dbkd 设计的绳索中号花瓶

E15 设计的 Salina 传统大玫瑰花盆

E15 设计的 Salina 传统小玫瑰花盆

Kristina Dam Studio 设计的 Serif 花瓶

Kristina Dam Studio 设计的 Serif 干花花瓶

Cassina 设计的 Sestiere 花瓶

Cassina 设计的 Sestiere 鲜花花瓶

Muuto 设计的静音花瓶

Simone Bodmer Turner 设计的单茎容器

Tom Dixon 设计的旋转花瓶三件套

Raawii 设计的 Strom Ceramics

La Casa Di Pietra 设计的 Trascorso 花瓶 1

La Casa Di Pietra 设计的 Trascorso 花瓶 2

Design House Stockholm 设计的三重花瓶

Decha Archjananun 设计的重量花瓶

Lyngby Porcelaen 设计的 25 厘米白色 Lyngby 花瓶,带干蒲苇

Kristina Dam Studio 设计的拱形烛台

Avant Candelabra 烛台Ferm Living 出品

Jansen Co 出品的铜烛台

Normann Copenhagen 出品的弯曲烛台一号

Normann Copenhagen 出品的弯曲烛台二号

Skandinavisk 出品的峡湾扩散器

Muuto 出品的浮动烛台

Muuto 出品的握柄烛台

Normann Copenhagen 出品的 Heima 4 臂烛台

Skandinavisk 出品的 Hygge 香味扩散器

Maison Dada 出品的 Josephine 烛台套装

Skandinavisk 出品的 Koto Home 香味扩散器

Lassen 出品的 Kubus 烛台

Lassen 出品的 Kubus 微型烛台

Skandinavisk 出品的 Lempi 香味扩散器

Salvatori 出品的 Ma House 烛台装饰

Menu 出品的 Olfacte 香味蜡烛

Muuto 出品的 Open Candelabra 烛台

Skandinavisk 出品的 Oy 香味扩散器

Menu 出品的 Pov 壁挂烛台

Skog Skandinavisk 的香味扩散器

Bb Italia 的 Tetra 烛台

Blu Dot 的 Who Goes There 烛台

Thibault Van Renne 的 Abstracts 1 黑色地毯

Thibault Van Renne 的 Abstracts 1 灰色地毯

Nomad 的糖果包装地毯 Graphit

Feyyn 的经典米色矩形地毯

Feyyn 的经典黑色矩形地毯

Feyyn 的经典单色矩形地毯

Hay 的彩色地毯

Asplund 的 Echo Bunny 地毯

Ethnicraft 的 Essentials Kilim 地毯灰色 Nomad

Ethnicraft 的 Essentials Kilim 地毯沙色 Nomad

Ethnicraft 的 Essentials Kilim 地毯赤陶色 Nomad

Asplund 的渐变地毯蓝色地毯

Asplund 的渐变地毯棕色地毯

Asplund 的渐变地毯绿色地毯

Inca 地毯珍珠色由 Flexform 提供

Inca Rug Stone 由 Flexform 提供

Kelim Rug Large 由 Ferm Living 提供

Laccessoire Rug 由 Elitis 提供

Living Soul Rug Caviar Carpet 由 Kymo 提供

Loke Rug 由 Fabula Living 提供

Luna Rug 由 Verpan 提供

Mwamba Carpet 由 Walter Knoll 提供

Oona Carpet 140x140 由 Normann Copenhagen 提供

Oona Rug 140x140 由 Normann Copenhagen 提供

Oona Rug 175x240 由 Normann Copenhagen 提供

Oona Rug 90x200 由 Normann Copenhagen 提供

Ply Yellow Wool Rug 由 Gan 提供

Rabat Rug 由 Bonaldo 提供

Relevo Rug 240 由 Muuto 提供

Relevo Rug 300 由 Muuto 提供

Rolf Offwhite Beige Rug 由 Fabula Living 提供

Rolf Rug Charcoal Black 由 Fabula Living 提供

Tangeri Rug 由Bonaldo

Toulemonde Bochart 的 Tumulus 羊毛地毯

Toulemonde Bochart 的 Tumulus 羊毛藏红花地毯

Hay 的模拟白色挂钟

Rexite 的 Appuntamento 壁挂式时钟

Rexite 的 Appuntamento 壁挂式时钟

Bene 的 Bfriends 挂钟

Lemnos 的雕刻 Cucu 挂钟

Lemnos 的雕刻摇摆挂钟

Lemnos 的夹式挂钟

Puik 的 Clork 台钟

Lemnos 的钻石玫瑰时钟

Lemnos 的硅藻土时钟

Atipico 的碟形壁挂式陶瓷时钟

Atipico 的碟形壁挂式陶瓷时钟

Formae 的带镜子的 Giratempo 桌钟

Georg Jensen 的 Hk 挂钟

Bosa Ceramiche 的 Infinity 时钟

Nomon 的大型 Oj 时钟

Petite Friture 的 Less 挂钟

Mj 01 壁挂式钢制时钟Janua

Buzao 出品的 Moment 桌面石钟

Buzao 出品的 Moment 桌面石钟

Buzao 出品的 Moment 壁挂式石钟

Buzao 出品的 Moment 壁挂式石钟

Norm Architects 大理石壁钟

Rexite 出品的 Orario 壁挂式时钟

Rexite 出品的 Orario 壁挂式时钟

Ocrum 出品的 Oree 陶瓷壁钟

Calligaris 出品的 Osvaldo 时钟

Lemnos 出品的浮雕壁钟

Fleysen 出品的肋状壁钟

Atipico 出品的环形壁挂式陶瓷时钟

Vitra 出品的向日葵黑色壁钟

Vitra 出品的向日葵壁钟

Magis 出品的 Tempo 时钟

Leff Amsterdam 出品的砖黑色台钟

Jehs Laub 出品的 Time 时钟

Tolix 出品的 Time 壁挂式钢钟

Lexon 出品的钛质收音机时钟

Leff Amsterdam 出品的 Tone 35 壁钟

Nike 出品的 Air Force 1 07 鞋

Nike 出品的 You 出品的 Air Force 1 07 低帮鞋


July 登机行李箱

July 托运行李箱


雷朋 Clubmaster 经典太阳镜

雷朋 Clubround 经典太阳镜

雷朋 Frank 太阳镜

三星 Galaxy Watch 5 2022

Galaxy Watch

三星 5 Pro 2022

三星 Galaxy Watch Ultra Gray

三星 Galaxy Watch Ultra Silver

三星 Galaxy Watch Ultra White

耐克 Jordan Jumpman Pro Cap

Projectswatches Kiura Watch

Polo Ralph Lauren 黑色皮革背包

雷朋 Mega Clubmaster 眼镜

天梭 Pr 100 计时码表

雷朋 圆形双桥太阳镜金色

Polo Ralph Lauren 光滑皮革行李包

Oppo Watch X Mars Brown

Oppo Watch X Platinum Black

雷朋 Wayfarer 太阳镜

Drapilux 69809 透明窗帘

Drapilux 79509 透明窗帘

Nya Nordiska Aida 灰色窗帘

Dedar Argentina 120 窗帘 Col 920

Creation Baumann Arno 701 窗帘

Creation Arno 708 窗帘Baumann

Creation Baumann 的 Arno 710 窗帘

Creation Baumann 的 Arno 715 窗帘

Creation Baumann 的 Arno 721 窗帘

Nya Nordiska 的 Astoria Fr 40 黑色窗帘

Kvadrat 的 Casa 252 窗帘

Creation Baumann 的 Cavallo Giorgio 305 窗帘

Zeitraum 的窗帘桌

Kvadrat 的 Dawn 381 窗帘

Drapilux 的 Drapilux 的 Drapilux 的 Drost 106 透明窗帘

Fr One 的 Liro 450 厘米带下摆窗帘

Fr One 的 Liro 400 厘米透明窗帘

Loano 17244 窗帘 Dorflinger Nickow

Fr One 的 Pageant 64 雪窗帘

Kvadrat 的 Tints 0213 窗帘

Atora 门挡由 Aji Project 提供

由 Aji Project 提供 Pound Stone

由 Aji Project 提供 Solid Door Stopper

由 Varied Forms 提供 A902 衣帽钩

由 Zeitraum 提供 Ad Hook 壁挂式衣帽架

由 Decor Walther 提供 Black Stone 挂钩

由 Tradition 提供 Capture Sc75 衣帽钩

由 Tradition 提供 Capture Sc76 衣架

由 Tradition 提供 Capture Sc77 衣帽架

由 Kristina Dam Studio 提供 Column 壁挂式衣帽架

由 Decor Walther 提供 Contract 挂钩

由 Ferm Living 提供 Cupe 壁挂式衣帽架

由 Morica Design 提供 Ficus 金属衣帽架

由 Karakter 提供 Hang Around 衣帽架

由 Karakter 提供 Hang Around 小型衣帽架

由 Vitra 提供 Hang It All 衣帽架

由 Covo 提供 Hoop 衣帽架

由 Hay 提供 Knit Steel 衣帽架

由 Midj 提供 Pippi 衣帽架

由 Porventura 提供 Plus 衣帽钩

由 Classicon 提供 Saturn 衣帽架

由 Skyline 壁挂式板衣帽架Calligaris 的衣架

Blu Dot 的防溅衣架

Gemla 的 Vide 衣架

Nofred 的壁挂式挂钩

Zeitraum 的 Ad Mire 桌面镜

Zeitraum 的 Ad Ore 壁挂式镜子

Hansgrohe 的 Addstoris 剃须 LED 灯镜

Hansgrohe 的 Addstoris 剃须镜

Gubi 的 Adnet 镜子

Bonaldo 的 Adone 镜子

Decor Walther 的 Black Stone 化妆镜

Deknudt Mirrors 的 Bordo 镜子

Deknudt Mirrors 的 Circo 镜子

Moustache 的 Cyclope 镜子

Classicon 的 Cypris 圆形镜子

Classicon 的 Cypris 方形镜子

Duravit 的 D Code 化妆镜

Poltrona Frau 的 Duo 矩形镜框

Poltrona Frau 的 Duo 圆形镜框

Poltrona 的 Duo 方形镜框Frau

Salvatori 的 Fontane Bianche 镜子

Schonbuch 的 Geo 壁镜

Nidi 的 Giro 镜子

Scarabeo Ceramiche 的 Glam 背光圆形镜子

Gessi 的 Goccia 桌面镜

Schonbuch 的 Kimo 壁镜

Montana Furniture 的 Look 椭圆形镜子

Bonaldo 的 Narciso 镜子

Menu 的 Pepe 大理石镜子

Normann Copenhagen 的 Pose 镜子

Quinti 的 Prince 桌面圆形镜子

New Works 的 Rise Shine 壁镜

Bonaldo 的 Sign 镜子

Decor Walther 的 Sp 28 化妆镜

Potocco 的 Tale 独立式矩形镜子

Axor 的 Uc 双面圆形壁挂镜

Axor 的 Uc 圆形框架壁挂金属镜

Tre Product 的 Woodturn 黑色镜子

Duravit 的 Zencha 壁挂镜

Ferm 的 Anse 瓷盆生活

Kristina Dam Design 的 Terracotta 碗 L 花盆

Kristina Dam Design 的 Terracotta 碗 L 带植物

Kristina Dam Design 的 Terracotta 碗 M 花盆

Kristina Dam Design 的 Terracotta 碗 S 带植物

Kristina Dam Design 的 Terracotta 碗 X 大花盆

Kristina Dam Design 的 Terracotta 碗 X 大带植物

Antrax 的 Ghisa 装饰散热器 H100

Antrax 的 Ghisa 装饰散热器 H150

Antrax 的 Ghisa 装饰散热器 H180

Antrax 的 Ghisa 装饰散热器 H200

Caleido 的 Parenthesis 垂直装饰散热器 225

Caleido 的 Parenthesis 垂直装饰散热器 441

Caleido 的 Parenthesis 垂直装饰散热器 657

Caleido 的 Traccia 装饰散热器

Jung 的 A 550 开关和插座

Jung 的 A Flow 开关和插座

E2 开关和Gira 的插座

Gira 的 E3 开关和插座

Gira 的 Esprit 开关和插座

Jung 的 Ls 990 开关和插座

Modelec 的 M 双开关和插座

Modelec 的 M 简易开关和插座

Modelec 的 M 三重开关和插座

Pinetti 的 Boston Tris 小牛皮游戏

Adj Style 的国际象棋棋盘游戏

The Conran Shop 的人造皮革和毛毡国际象棋套装

L Object 的大理石国际象棋套装

Cratebarrel 的大理石井字游戏套装

E15 的 Nona 国际象棋套装

A2 Designers Ab 的玩游戏

Adj Style 的井字游戏

Gallottiradice 的 Tip Tap Toe 桌游

Fatboy 的 Beanbag Original

Quadrodesign 的 Dat01 日历

Siebensachen 的钻石音乐盒

Muuto 的恢复储物篮

Schonbuch 的 Tally 储物盒

Vague 杂志Bonaldo 架子

Adj Style 12 厘米 Versalite 卡布奇诺篮

Adj Style 12 厘米 Versalite 灰色篮

Versalite 篮

25 厘米黑色,Adj Style 出品

Versalite 篮子 25 厘米白兰地色,Adj Style 出品

铁丝篮子,Ferm Living 出品


Marble Chess Set by L’Object

Momento Vase JH40 by &Tradition

Momento Vase JH41 by &Tradition

Wildlife Collection Decorations by Bene

Arch Steel Sculpture by Kristina Dam Studio

Art Lines Artwork Wall Decor by Boconcept

Art Prints Abstract Brushes Poster by Desenio

Art Prints Golden Eucalyptus Posters by Desenio

Art Prints Posters Berlin Arches by Desenio

Art Prints Posters Shapes And Lines by Desenio

Art Prints Water Color Shapes Poster by Desenio

Asmat 01 Sculpture Indonesia by Set

Beak Bird Awake Snipe Decoration by Warm Nordic

Beak Bird Lazy Snipe Decoration by Warm Nordic

Beak Bird Low Heron Decoration by Warm Nordic

Beak Bird Tall Heron Decoration by Warm Nordic

Bfriends Desert Collection Decorations by Bene

Black Sleepy Eyes Wall Decoration by Alioli

Block Decorative Ceramics by Tom Dixon

Brick Ceramic Sculpture by Kristina Dam Studio

Bronze Casting Sculpture T 891 by Time Style

Bronze Casting Sculpture T 892 by Time Style

Brut Circle Bowl Sculpture by Origin Made

Brut Oval Bowl Sculpture by Origin Made

Brut Soft Square Bowl Sculpture by Origin Made

Burattino Mannequin Figure by Paolo Castelli

Cast Factory Money Box by Tom Dixon

Ciao Bella Poster by Desenio

Contour Sculpture L by Kristina Dam Studio

Contour Sculpture S by Kristina Dam Studio

Cover Sculpture by Boconcept

Deco Hand Decoration by Hay

Eames House Bird by Vitra

Earth Acoustic Wall Panel Artwork by Okko

Ebe 3d Shapes Artwork by Edith Beurskens

Flight Sculpture by Origin Made

Four Houses Wooden Decoration by Mad Lab

Galerie Dummies Sculpture by Monitillo 1980

Haus Paper Weight by E15

Head Sculpture Abstract by Bloomingville

Hermes Cement Sculpture by I I Collection

In Between Days Painting by Caroline Walls

Knot Small Decoration by Cooee Design

L Oiseau Cork Bird Decoration by Vitra

Ladders Art Print Poster by Graphite

Little Bird Decorative Figures by Normann Copenhagen

Little Bird Wood Figures by Normann Copenhagen

Marble Circles Decoration by Kristina Dam Studio

Memorabilia My Spaceship Decoration by Rouse Home

Mons Vita II Art Print Painting by Corinne Melanie

Mons Vita III Art Print Painting by Corinne Melanie

Mons Vita Iv Art Print Painting by Corinne Melanie

Moon 3d Shapes Artwork by Edith Beurskens

My Robot Decorative Object by Seletti

My Robot Gold Decorative Object by Seletti

Olifant Decorative Object by Caussa

Shorebird Decorative Figures by Normann Copenhagen

Siebensachen Music Box by Siebensachen

Silhouette Illustration Art by Kristina Dam Studio

Spiral Sculpture by Origin Made

The Muse Melpomene Sculpture by Gardeco

The Muses Clio Plus Sculpture by Gardeco

The Muses Melpomene Small Sculpture by Gardeco

The Muses Thalia Bronze Sculpture by Gardeco

The Village Lighthouse Sculpture by Salvatori

The Village Utopia Decorations by Salvatori

Tica Bird Decoration by Gazzda

Twirling Bird Decoration L by Warm Nordic

Twirling Bird Decoration M by Warm Nordic

Twirling Bird Decoration S by Warm Nordic

Twirling Bird Decoration Xl by Warm Nordic

Wildlife Collection by Bene

Wooden Hand by Hay

Wooden Manikin Male by Jakar

Abrams Coffee Table Books Collection by Abrams

Arkis Bookend White by Gejst

Assouline Coffee Table Books Collection by Assouline

Bauhaus Book by Taschen

Book Ring Bookend by Cooee Design

Catwalk Book Collection by Thames Hudson

Chanel 3 Books Slipcase by Assouline

Chanel Collections And Creations Book by Thameshudson

Chanel The Impossible Collection Book by Assouline

Chic Coffee Table Books Collection by Assouline

Fashion Book by Hfullmann

Made For Living Book by Potter Style

Metafisica Lecce Stone Bookend by Pimar

Nasty Galaxy Book by Putnam

New York by Ny Book by Assouline

Pewter Bookends by When Objects Work

Pi Book Ends by Ethnicraft

Polpo A Venetian Cookbook by Asplund

Rihanna Book by Phaidon

Sebastiao Salgado Gold Book by Taschen

Stop Bookend by E15

The Dior Book Series by Assouline

The Kinfolk Home Book by Ouur

Tom Ford 002 Book by Rizzoli

Tom Ford Book by Rizzoli

Velaezquez Book by Taschen

Vermeer Book by Taschen

Alvar Aalto Vase 160 by Iitala

Alvar Aalto Vase 181 by Iitala

Alvar Aalto Vase 251 by Iitala

Anse Porcelain Vase by Ferm Living

Apothecary Porcelain Vases by Kristina Dam Studio

Apothecary Vase With Pampas Grass by Kristina Dam Studio

Bacio Ceramic Vases by Adriani E Rossi Edizioni

Balloon Vase 01 With Lunaria by Louise Roe

Balloon Vase 02 With Lunaria by Louise Roe

Balloon Vase 04 by Louise Roe

Balloon Vase 05 by Louise Roe

Bandura Set Of Vases by Faina Design

Beat Vessels by Tom Dixon

Bloom Vase Slim by 101 Copenhagen

Chub Bowl Large by Normann Copenhagen

Chub Bowl Medium by Normann Copenhagen

Chub Bowl Small by Normann Copenhagen

Cut 2 Bowl by Tecta

Dual Vase by Kristina Dam Studio

Echasse Vase by Menu

Fem Decorative Bowl by Normann Copenhagen

Float Vase by Boconcept

Float Vase With Flowers by Boconcept

Fontana Blown Glass Vase by Fontanaarte

Giravolta Ceramic Vases by Adriani E Rossi Edizioni

Glass Vase Green Wave by Bloomingville

Ionico Ceramic Vases by Calligaris

Itamar Metal Vase by Bloomingville

Japanese Stone Serving Bowls by Salvatori

Kink Vase by Muuto

Kink Vase With Flowers by Muuto

Kubus Bowl by Lassen

Kubus Lolo Vase by Lassen

Kubus Lolo Vase With Flowers by Lassen

Long Vase M by Dbkd

Long Vase Small by Dbkd

Luna Metal Vase by Boconcept

Mangiarotti Marbles Bowl And Vase by Karakter

Mere Bowl 21 Cm by Muuto

Mere Bowl 36 Cm by Muuto

Metal Vase With Handle by Bloomingville

Momento Vase Jh40 by Tradition

Momento Vase Jh41 by Tradition

Pirout Vase by Louise Roe

Portal Vase by Origin Made

Ray Medium Decorative Bowl by Collection Particuliere

Ray Small Decorative Bowl by Collection Particuliere

Ray Wide Decorative Bowl by Collection Particuliere

Rope Large Vase by Dbkd

Rope Medium Vase by Dbkd

Salina Traditional Large Pot With Roses by E15

Salina Traditional Small Pot With Roses by E15

Serif Vase by Kristina Dam Studio

Serif Vase With Dried Flowers by Kristina Dam Studio

Sestiere Vase by Cassina

Sestiere Vase With Flowers by Cassina

Silent Vase by Muuto

Single Stem Vessel by Simone Bodmer Turner

Spun Vase Trio by Tom Dixon

Strom Ceramics by Raawii

Trascorso Vase 1 by La Casa Di Pietra

Trascorso Vase 2 by La Casa Di Pietra

Trio Vases by Design House Stockholm

Weight Vases by Decha Archjananun

White Lyngby Vase 25 Cm With Dried Pampas by Lyngby Porcelaen

Arch Candleholder by Kristina Dam Studio

Avant Candelabra Candle Holder by Ferm Living

Copper Candle Holders by Jansen Co

Crooked Candlestick One by Normann Copenhagen

Crooked Candlestick Two by Normann Copenhagen

Fjord Diffuser by Skandinavisk

Float Candlestick by Muuto

Grip Candle Stick by Muuto

Heima 4 Armed Candlestick by Normann Copenhagen

Hygge Scent Diffuser by Skandinavisk

Josephine Candleholder Set by Maison Dada

Koto Home Scent Diffuser by Skandinavisk

Kubus Candleholder by Lassen

Kubus Micro Candle Holder by Lassen

Lempi Scent Diffuser by Skandinavisk

Ma House Candle Holder Decoration by Salvatori

Olfacte Scented Candles by Menu

Open Candelabra Candle Holder by Muuto

Oy Scent Diffuser by Skandinavisk

Pov Candleholder Wall by Menu

Skog Scent Diffuser by Skandinavisk

Tetra Candle Holder by Bb Italia

Who Goes There Candle Holder by Blu Dot

Abstracts 1 Black Rug by Thibault Van Renne

Abstracts 1 Grey Rug by Thibault Van Renne

Candy Wrapper Rug Graphit by Nomad

Classic Beige Rectangular Rug by Feyyn

Classic Black Rectangular Rug by Feyyn

Classic Monochrome Rectangular Rug by Feyyn

Colour Carpet by Hay

Echo Bunny Rug Carpet by Asplund

Essentials Kilim Rug Grey Nomad by Ethnicraft

Essentials Kilim Rug Sand Nomad by Ethnicraft

Essentials Kilim Rug Terracotta Nomad by Ethnicraft

Gradient Rug Blues Carpet by Asplund

Gradient Rug Browns Carpet by Asplund

Gradient Rug Greens Carpet by Asplund

Inca Rug Pearl by Flexform

Inca Rug Stone by Flexform

Kelim Rug Large by Ferm Living

Laccessoire Rug by Elitis

Living Soul Rug Caviar Carpet by Kymo

Loke Rug by Fabula Living

Luna Rug by Verpan

Mwamba Carpet by Walter Knoll

Oona Carpet 140x140 by Normann Copenhagen

Oona Rug 140x140 by Normann Copenhagen

Oona Rug 175x240 by Normann Copenhagen

Oona Rug 90x200 by Normann Copenhagen

Ply Yellow Wool Rug by Gan

Rabat Rug by Bonaldo

Relevo Rug 240 by Muuto

Relevo Rug 300 by Muuto

Rolf Offwhite Beige Rug by Fabula Living

Rolf Rug Charcoal Black by Fabula Living

Tangeri Rug by Bonaldo

Tumulus Wool Rug by Toulemonde Bochart

Tumulus Wool Saffron Rug by Toulemonde Bochart

Analog White Wall Clock by Hay

Appuntamento Wall Mounted Clock by Rexite

Appuntamento Wall-Mounted Clock by Rexite

Bfriends Wall Clock by Bene

Carved Cucu Wall Clock by Lemnos

Carved Swing Wall Clock by Lemnos

Clip Wall Clock by Lemnos

Clork Desk Clock by Puik

Diamond Rose Clock by Lemnos

Diatomaceous Earth Clock by Lemnos

Dish Wall Mounted Ceramic Clock by Atipico

Dish Wall-Mounted Ceramic Clock by Atipico

Giratempo Table Clock With Mirror by Formae

Hk Wall Clock by Georg Jensen

Infinity Clock by Bosa Ceramiche

Large Oj Clock by Nomon

Less Wall Clock by Petite Friture

Mj 01 Wall Mounted Steel Clock by Janua

Moment Table Top Stone Clock by Buzao

Moment Table-Top Stone Clock by Buzao

Moment Wall Mounted Stone Clock by Buzao

Moment Wall-Mounted Stone Clock by Buzao

Norm Architects Marble Wall Clock

Orario Wall Mounted Clock by Rexite

Orario Wall-mounted Clock by Rexite

Oree Ceramic Wall Clock by Ocrum

Osvaldo Clock by Calligaris

Relief Wall Clock by Lemnos

Ribbed Wall Clock by Fleysen

Ring Wall Mounted Ceramic Clock by Atipico

Sunflower Black Wall Clock by Vitra

Sunflower Wall Clock by Vitra

Tempo Clock by Magis

The Brick Black Desk Clock by Leff Amsterdam

Time Clock by Jehs Laub

Time Wall Mounted Steel Clock by Tolix

Titanium Radio Clock by Lexon

Tone 35 Wall Clock by Leff Amsterdam

Air Force 1 07 Shoes by Nike

Air Force 1 07 Shoes Low by You by Nike

Aviator Sunglasses by Rayban

Carry On Trunk Luggage by July

Checked Trunk Luggage by July

Classic Dream Watch by Tissot

Clubmaster Classic Sunglasses by Rayban

Clubround Classic Sunglasses by Rayban

Frank Sunglasses by Rayban

Galaxy Watch 5 2022 by Samsung

Galaxy Watch 5 Pro 2022 by Samsung

Galaxy Watch Ultra Gray by Samsung

Galaxy Watch Ultra Silver by Samsung 

Galaxy Watch Ultra White by Samsung

Jordan Jumpman Pro Cap by Nike

Kiura Watch by Projectswatches

Leather Backpack Black by Polo Ralph Lauren

Mega Clubmaster Eyeglasses by Rayban

Pr 100 Chronograph Watch by Tissot

Round Double Bridge Sunglasses Gold by Rayban

Smooth Leather Duffel Bag by Polo Ralph Lauren

Watch X Mars Brown by Oppo

Watch X Platinum Black by Oppo

Wayfarer Sunglasses by Rayban

69809 Transparent Drapery by Drapilux

79509 Transparent Drapery by Drapilux

Aida Grey Curtain by Nya Nordiska

Argentina 120 Curtain Col 920 by Dedar

Arno 701 Curtain by Creation Baumann

Arno 708 Curtain by Creation Baumann

Arno 710 Curtain by Creation Baumann

Arno 715 Curtain by Creation Baumann

Arno 721 Curtain by Creation Baumann

Astoria Fr 40 Black Curtain by Nya Nordiska

Casa 252 Curtain by Kvadrat

Cavallo Giorgio 305 Curtain by Creation Baumann

Curtain Table by Zeitraum

Dawn 381 Curtain by Kvadrat

Drapilux 11708 Curtain by Drapilux

Frost 106 Transparent Curtain by Kvadrat

Liro Drapery 450 Cm With Hem by Fr One

Liro Transparent Drapery 400 Cm by Fr One

Loano 17244 Curtain Dorflinger Nickow

Pageant 64 Snow Curtain by Fr One

Tints 0213 Curtains by Kvadrat

Atora Door Stopper by Aji Project

Pound Stone by Aji Project

Solid Door Stopper by Aji Project

A902 Robe Hook by Varied Forms

Ad Hook Wall Coat Rack by Zeitraum

Black Stone Hook by Decor Walther

Capture Sc75 Coat Hook by Tradition

Capture Sc76 Coat Hanger by Tradition

Capture Sc77 Coat Stand by Tradition

Column Wall Coat Rack by Kristina Dam Studio

Contract Hook by Decor Walther

Cupe Wall Coat Rack by Ferm Living

Ficus Metal Coats Stand by Morica Design

Hang Around Coat Rack by Karakter

Hang Around Coat Rack Small by Karakter

Hang It All Coat Rack by Vitra

Hoop Coat Rack by Covo

Knit Steel Coat Stand by Hay

Pippi Coat Rack Stand by Midj

Plus Coat Hook by Porventura

Saturn Coat Stand by Classicon

Skyline Wall Mounted Plate Coat Rack by Calligaris

Splash Coat Rack by Blu Dot

Vide Coat Hanger by Gemla

Wall Bug Hook by Nofred

Ad Mire Table Mirror by Zeitraum

Ad Ore Wall Mounted Mirror by Zeitraum

Addstoris Shaving Led Light Mirror by Hansgrohe

Addstoris Shaving Mirror by Hansgrohe

Adnet Mirror by Gubi

Adone Mirror by Bonaldo

Black Stone Cosmetic Mirror by Decor Walther

Bordo Mirror by Deknudt Mirrors

Circo Mirror by Deknudt Mirrors

Cyclope Mirror by Moustache

Cypris Round Mirror by Classicon

Cypris Square Mirror by Classicon

D Code Cosmetic Mirror by Duravit

Duo Rectangular Framed Mirror by Poltrona Frau

Duo Round Framed Mirror by Poltrona Frau

Duo Square Framed Mirror by Poltrona Frau

Fontane Bianche Mirror by Salvatori

Geo Wall Mirror by Schonbuch

Giro Mirror by Nidi

Glam Backlit Round Mirror by Scarabeo Ceramiche

Goccia Table Mirror by Gessi

Kimo Wall Mirror by Schonbuch

Look Oval Mirror by Montana Furniture

Narciso Mirror by Bonaldo

Pepe Marble Mirror by Menu

Pose Mirror by Normann Copenhagen

Prince Table Top Round Mirror by Quinti

Rise Shine Wall Mirror by New Works

Sign Mirror by Bonaldo

Sp 28 Cosmetic Mirror by Decor Walther

Tale Freestanding Rectangular Mirror by Potocco

Uc Double Sided Round Wall Mounted Mirror by Axor

Uc Round Framed Wall Mounted Metal Mirror by Axor

Woodturn Mirror Black by Tre Product

Zencha Wall Mounted Mirror by Duravit

Anse Porcelain Pot by Ferm Living

Terracotta Bowl L Plant Pot by Kristina Dam Design

Terracotta Bowl L With Plant by Kristina Dam Design

Terracotta Bowl M Plant Pot by Kristina Dam Design

Terracotta Bowl S With Plant by Kristina Dam Design

Terracotta Bowl X Large Plant Pot by Kristina Dam Design

Terracotta Bowl X Large With Plant by Kristina Dam Design

Ghisa Decorative Radiator H100 by Antrax

Ghisa Decorative Radiator H150 by Antrax

Ghisa Decorative Radiator H180 by Antrax

Ghisa Decorative Radiator H200 by Antrax

Parenthesis Vertical Decorative Radiators 225 by Caleido

Parenthesis Vertical Decorative Radiators 441 by Caleido

Parenthesis Vertical Decorative Radiators 657 by Caleido

Traccia Decorative Radiator by Caleido

A 550 Switches And Socket by Jung

A Flow Switches And Socket by Jung

E2 Switches And Socket by Gira

E3 Switches And Socket by Gira

Esprit Switches And Socket by Gira

Ls 990 Switches And Socket by Jung

M Double Switches And Sockets by Modelec

M Simple Switches And Sockets by Modelec

M Triple Switches And Sockets by Modelec

Boston Tris Calfskin Game by Pinetti

Chess Board Game by Adj Style

Faux Leather And Felt Chess Set by The Conran Shop

Marble Chess Set by L Object

Marble Tic Tac Toe Game Set by Cratebarrel

Nona Chess Set by E15

Play Game by A2 Designers Ab

Tic Tac Toe Game by Adj Style

Tip Tap Toe Table Game by Gallottiradice

Beanbag Original by Fatboy

Dat01 Calendar by Quadrodesign

Diamond Music Box by Siebensachen

Restore Storage Basket by Muuto

Tally Storage Boxes by Schonbuch

Vague Magazine Rack by Bonaldo

Versalite Basket 12 Cm Cappuccino by Adj Style

Versalite Basket 12 Cm Grey by Adj Style

Versalite Basket 25 Cm Black by Adj Style

Versalite Basket 25 Cm Cognac by Adj Style

Wire Basket by Ferm Living

标签: 装饰品 摆设 模型 地毯 电器 手表 眼镜 开关
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > 电器电子
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/1/16 10:19:19 | 更新时间:2025/1/16 10:33:57

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