
Cinema4D XPresso Mikhail Yudin (2015)
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Cinema4D XPresso Mikhail Yudin (2015) Part 1 RUS

Cinema4D XPresso Mikhail Yudin (2015) Part 1 RUS

从 XPresso 的基础知识开始:目的、应用领域。然后,实践课程展示了几个 XPresso 表达式的集合。

视频课程适合那些已经熟悉 Cinema 4D R16 程序并自信地使用它的人。对于那些想要扩展他们对程序的了解、想要简化和自动化他们的工作的人来说。当然,新手用户可以观看课程,但了解程序的基础知识是理解材料的先决条件。此培训使用英语界面。

课程的前 15 节课是一种参考书,并考虑了主要部分中的单独节点:常规、适配器、布尔、计算、逻辑、迭代器和运动图形,并提供了它们工作的小示例。课程的其余部分致力于这种实践以巩固材料。


Starts with the basics of XPresso: purpose, areas of application. Then the practical lessons show the collection of several XPresso expressions.

Video course for those who are already familiar with the program Cinema 4D R16 and confidently work in it. For those who want to expand their knowledge of the program, want to simplify and automate their work. Of course, the course can be watched by novice users, but knowledge of the basics of the program is a prerequisite for understanding the material. This training uses the English interface.

The first 15 lessons of the course are a kind of reference book and consider separate nodes from the main sections: General, Adapter, Bool, Calculate, Logic, Iterator and Motion Graphics with small examples of their work. The rest of the course is devoted to this practice to consolidate the material.

标签: c4d Cinema4D XPresso 动画 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Cinema 4D
发布:CGer | 查看:33 | 发表时间:2025/1/6 21:11:55 | 更新时间:2025/1/6 21:21:36

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