
Space Opera Textures
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Space Opera Textures

使用太空歌剧纹理包 (Space Opera Textures) 提升您的太空游戏效果,这是最完整的太空纹理集合。


太空歌剧纹理 (Space Opera Textures) 旨在满足任何想要创建逼真太空场景的 3D 艺术家的需求。纹理已准备好在任何渲染引擎中使用。它们可以快速加载并随时可用。细节清晰,颜色鲜艳。



- 18 个 2K 和 4K 纹理文件夹

- 总共 109 个纹理文件

- 混合搭配纹理以创建您自己的外观




Bump up your space game with Space Opera Textures, the most complete texture collection for space.

Everything you need is here. Panels, scratches, grunge, thrusters, displays, paint, lights, and more at your fingertips. All the textures you need to build a menacing spaceship, or an industrial cargo carrier.

Space Opera Textures was created to meet the needs of any 3D artist who wants to create a realistic space scene. The textures are ready to go in any render engine. They load in a snap and are ready to use. The details are crisp, and the colors are vibrant.

I made them with the artist in mind. They're the textures I've always wanted to have on hand, and I've loved working with them! I took my time to detail and polish every aspect. These are the textures I've used in my own work, and I want them to become part of yours.


- 18 texture folders at 2K and 4K

- 109 total texture files

- Mix and match textures to create your own look

These textures are instantly downloadable, and ready to use.

It's everything you need to make your own space scene.

标签: 材质 贴图 纹理 素材 合集 太空 科幻
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 材质贴图
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/1/2 22:43:18 | 更新时间:2025/1/2 22:47:16

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