
Schoolism - Workshops Webinars
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Schoolism - Workshops Webinars

Schoolism 插画教程研讨会合集,84.7GB:

与 Karla Ortiz 一起了解角色的第一步

与 Peter de Sève 和 Bobby Chiu 聊天

与 Karla Ortiz 一起设计服装

与 Helen Mingjue 一起进行每日一帧绘画


与 Bobby Chiu 一起进行艺术家内容创作指南

与 Ashley Swidowski 一起进行褶皱之间

与 Wouter Tulp 一起赋予角色生命


与 Karla Ortiz 一起进行角色设计

与 Phillip Boutte Jr 一起进行角色变革

与 Brian Kesinger 一起进行角色设计

与 Pernille Orum 一起进行颜色和角色设计

与 Wouter Tulp 一起进行角色设计师的概念角色创意开发

与 Viktor Kalvachev 一起进行自信的角色透视绘画

与 Darrell Warner 一起进行服装即角色,角色即服装

与 Sonja Christoph 一起为概念艺术创建 3D 元素

创建与 Djamila Knopf 一起探索复杂环境

与 Bobby Chiu 一起创造您的艺术品牌

与 Jeff Errico 一起设计镜头

与 Chrystin Garland 一起设计动画特效

与 Armand Baltazar 一起为您的原创故事设计英雄和反派

设计科幻超现实主义 - Robbie Trevino

与 Lynn Chen 一起讲述数字绘画的故事

与 Craig Mullins 一起超越 Photoshop 的数字绘画技术

与 Terryl Whitlatch 一起画画骑行

与 Viktor Kalvachev 一起根据记忆画出人物

与 Iain McCaig 一起现场绘画锻炼

与 Alessandra Sorrentino 一起通过角色发展进行动态故事讲述

与 Sonja Christoph 一起讲述每一帧故事

与 Jason Seiler 一起夸大特征和表情

与 Greg Hopwood 一起探索电视和电影的服装概念艺术

与 Wouter Tulp 一起举办富有表现力的角色研讨会

与 Jesper 一起制作丙烯酸树脂 - 仙女很麻烦Ejsing

Aaron Sowd 讲解人物素描和故事板透视

Iris Compiet 讲解通过素描和水彩画寻找灵感

Luna Vargas 讲解自己的艺术声音

Jonathan Hardesty 讲解价值与渲染基础知识

Aaron Sowd 讲解视觉叙事基础知识

Maggie Chan 讲解如何通过服装设计创造生动的角色

Kalvachev 讲解如何在移动游戏行业获得聘用

Jonathan Hardesty 讲解如何学习创造力

Devin Elle Kurtz 讲解如何用一幅画讲述一个故事


Angela Sung 访谈

雕刻它!与 Kristine 和 Colin Poole 合作

与 Karla Ortiz 合作的关键帧

与 Marcelo Vignali 合作的布局和视觉叙事

与 Sonja Christoph 合作的 3D 概念艺术的灯光和构图

与 Viktor Kalvachev 合作的绘制手和脚时忽略的明显之处

与 Viktor Kalvachev 合作的叙事驱动角色姿势和灯光

Nathan Fowkes

- 与 Nathan Fowkes 合作的拓宽色彩范围

- 用闪光和爆炸绘制夜景!

- 与 Nathan Fowkes 一起探讨具象艺术中的抽象力量

- 与 Nathan Fowkes 一起走向史诗

- 与 Nathan Fowkes 一起成功度过 2024 年

与 Bobby Chiu 一起为艺术家建立人脉

与 Celine Kim 一起为角色服装进行绘画和设计

与 Nikolai Lockertsen 一起绘制废弃的地方

与 Nikolai Lockertsen 一起在 Procreate 中绘制科幻环境

与 Daniel Arriaga 一起探讨角色设计中的表现

Peter Ramsey 是什么让奥斯卡获奖导演脱颖而出

与 Iain McCaig 一起探讨肢体剧场和智力游戏

与 Viktor Kalvachev 一起探讨移动游戏行业的投资组合策略

与 Iain McCaig 一起表演

与 Ehsan Bigloo 一起从文艺复兴时期的绘图技巧到电影生物设计

与 Victoria Ying 一起编写图画小说脚本

与 Andrea Blasich 一起现场雕刻粘土

用聚合物雕刻原创角色与 Christopher Notbusch 一起制作粘土

与 Helen Mingjue Chen 一起制作动画布景设计

与 Megan Dong 一起展示而非讲述 - 讲述您独特的故事

与 Iain McCaig 一起制作舞台技巧和魔法

与 Iain McCaig 一起讲述故事的秘密

与 Aaron Sowd 一起制作故事板 - 构图和舞台

与 Aaron Sowd 一起制作用于预览和视觉特效的故事板动作

与 Aaron Sowd 一起制作剧本的故事板

与 Alessandra Sorrentino 一起讲述清晰的故事叙述

与 Noah Klocek 一起用颜色和颜色理论讲述故事

与 Arthur Fong 一起制作风格

与 Chiara Benedetti 一起制作概念艺术中的象征主义和视觉叙事

与 Bobby Chiu 一起制作组织艺术

与 Cody Gramstad 一起制作艺术家清单

与 Airi Pan 一起制作概念计划

与 John Burton 一起制作创造的勇气

与 Peter Han 一起制作创意素描过程

与 Michael Knapp 一起制作视觉叙事的关键要素


与 Karla 一起制作肖像Ortiz

与 Danar Worya 一起探讨概念艺术中的问题解决过程

参考区 - Karla Ortiz

与 Jonathan Hardesty 一起探讨肖像画的秘密

与 Bobby Chiu 一起探讨病毒式艺术视频的秘密

与 Eliza Ivanova 一起将美学从一种媒介转化为另一种媒介

与 Marcel Vignali 一起理解叙事的视觉语言

与 Bill Presing 一起进行视觉叙事


Workshops list :

A Character's First Steps with Karla Ortiz

A Chat with Peter de Sève and Bobby Chiu

A Designed Costume with Karla Ortiz

A Frame A Day Paint Along with Helen Mingjue

AI and the Future of the Art Industry

An Artist's Guide to Content Creation with Bobby Chiu

Between the Folds w Ashley Swidowski

Bringing Characters to Life with Wouter Tulp

Buisness Of Art

Character Design with Karla Ortiz

Character for Change with Phillip Boutte Jr

Characters with Brian Kesinger

Colors and Characters with Pernille Orum

Conceptual Characters Idea Development for Character Designers with Wouter Tulp

Confident Character Drawing with Perspective with Viktor Kalvachev


Creating 3D Elements for Concept Art with Sonja Christoph

Creating Complex Environments with Djamila Knopf

Creating Your Artistic Brand with Bobby Chiu

Design The Shot with Jeff Errico

Designing FX for Animation with Chrystin Garland

Designing Heroes & Villains for Your Original Stories with Armand Baltazar

Designing Sci-Fi Surrealism - Robbie Trevino

Digital Painting For Storytelling With Lynn Chen

Digital Painting Techniques Beyond Photoshop with Craig Mullins

Draw to Ride with Terryl Whitlatch

Drawing a Person from Memory with Viktor Kalvachev

Drawing Workout LIVE with Iain McCaig

Dynamic Storytelling Through Character Development w Alessandra Sorrentino

Every Frame a Story with Sonja Christoph

Exaggerating Features & Expressions with Jason Seiler

Exploring Costume Concept Art for TV & Film with Greg Hopwood

Expressive Characters Workshop with Wouter Tulp

Faeries Are Trouble - Acrylics with Jesper Ejsing

Figure Drawing and Perspective for Storyboarding w Aaron Sowd

Finding Ideas Through Sketching and Watercolor with Iris Compiet

Finding your own artistic voice with Luna Vargas

Fundamentals of Values & Rendering with Jonathan Hardesty

Fundamentals of Visual Storytelling with Aaron Sowd

How To Create Vibrant Characters Through Costume Design with Maggie Chan

How to Get Hired in the Mobile Game Industry w Kalvachev

How to Learn Creativity with Jonathan Hardesty

How to Tell A Story in a Single Painting with Devin Elle Kurtz

How To Thrive Across Creative Fields

Interview with Angela Sung

JUST SCULPT IT! with Kristine and Colin Poole

Keyframes with Karla Ortiz

Layout and Visual Storytelling with Marcelo Vignali

Lighting & Composition for 3D Concept Art with Sonja Christoph

Missing the Obvious When Drawings Hands & Feet with Viktor Kalvachev

Narrative-driven Character Posing and Lighting with Viktor Kalvachev

Nathan Fowkes

- Broaden Color Range w Nathan Fowkes

- Paint Night Scenes with Flash and Bang!

- The Power of Abstraction in Representational Art with Nathan Fowkes

- Going Epic with Nathan Fowkes

- Successfully Maneuvering Through 2024 as an Artist with Nathan Fowkes

Networking For Artists with Bobby Chiu

Paint & Design for Character Costumes with Celine Kim

Painting a Derelict Place with Nikolai Lockertsen

Painting a Sci-fi Environment in Procreate with Nikolai Lockertsen

Performance In Character Design with Daniel Arriaga

Peter Ramsey What makes an Oscar Winning Director tick

Physical Theatre and Mind Games with Iain McCaig

Portfolio Strategies for the Mobile Games Industry with Viktor Kalvachev

Putting on a Show with Iain McCaig

Renaissance Draftsmanship to Cinematic Creature Designs with Ehsan Bigloo

Scripting a Graphic Novel with Victoria Ying

Sculpting Clay LIVE with Andrea Blasich

Sculpting Original Characters out of Polymer Clay with Christopher Notbusch

Set Design for Animation with Helen Mingjue Chen

Show Dont Tell - Pitching Your Unique Story with Megan Dong

Stagecraft and Wizardry with Iain McCaig

Story Secrets with Iain McCaig

Storyboarding - Composition & Staging with Aaron Sowd

Storyboarding Action for Previs and VFX with Aaron Sowd

Storyboarding the Script with Aaron Sowd

Storytelling Clarity With Alessandra Sorrentino

Storytelling With Color And Color Theory With Noah Klocek

Style with Arthur Fong

Symbolism & Visual Storytelling in Concept Art with Chiara Benedetti

The Art of Organization with Bobby Chiu

The Artist's Checklist with Cody Gramstad

The Concept Plan With Airi Pan

The Courage to Create with John Burton

The Creative Sketching Process with Peter Han

The Key Ingredients for Visual Storytelling with Michael Knapp

The Magic of Contrast Designing Compositions

The Portrait with Karla Ortiz

The Problem Solving Process in Concept Art with Danar Worya

The Reference Zone - Karla Ortiz

The Secrets Of Portrait Painting With Jonathan Hardesty

The Secrets to Viral Art Videos with Bobby Chiu

Translating Aesthetics from One Medium to Another with Eliza Ivanova

Understanding the Visual Language of Storytelling with Marcel Vignali

Visual Storytelling With Bill Presing

标签: 插画 手绘 绘画 教程 场景 概念 设计 人物
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 插画手绘
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2025/1/2 22:18:09 | 更新时间:2025/1/2 22:24:34

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