
CGWorkshops - Mari 2.0 真实的角色贴图绘制教程
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CGWorkshops - Realistic Character Texture Painting in Mari 2.0

CGWorkshops - Mari 2.0 真实的角色贴图绘制教程


作者Justin Holt贾斯廷研究了视觉效果,在纹理绘画的浓度和照明在萨凡纳艺术与设计学院。他一直生活在包括意大利,新加坡,英国,挪威,六个不同的国家,美国和加拿大之前在洛杉矶约开始他的职业生涯.

What does it take to become a successful texture artist in the film  industry today? Justin Holt answers this question as he works with you  to create successful realistic character textures, and begin your own  texture library.

With a model provided by Ben Eoff a selection of silicon casted pore and wrinkle scans from Surface Mimic, and FREE Mari 2.0 time limited student licenses from The Foundry,Justin  will take you through his Mari 2.0 workflow via streamed videos  available weekly for you to watch in your own time, and several live web  classes where you can receive critiques and ask Justin questions in  real time (these will be recorded for those who cant make it.)

You'll organise your colour palette, and learn the importance of  having control over the UVs and the best way to organize them for hero  character work. You'll look closely at the structure of human skin  (pores, hair follicles). Justin will take you through displacement maps,  colour maps and how to add layers and detail in Mari 2.0 in a  non-destructive way.  You'll move on to specular and reflection maps and  then wetMaps before intensive weeks on painting both eyes and clothing.

Finally, you'll have a fully textured humanoid model to add to your folio.


标签: 角色 材质 贴图 纹理
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > MARI
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/11/13 14:38:23 | 更新时间:2015/10/4 18:46:09

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