
Mossaik Presets Pro
0 4

Mossaik Presets Pro 2.3.29 Win x64

Mossaik Presets 是一款功能极其强大且智能的图像编辑器,只需单击一下即可对照片应用多种精心设计的效果。


可以预览要编辑的图像,并在缩略图中应用所有预设或滤镜以加快预设选择。应用预设后,可以通过移动特定滑块进一步微调和完成图像。这样就无需使用其他照片编辑软件,Mossaik Presets 可以成为您满足所有照片后期处理需求的一站式商店。


- Mossaik 预设提供 12 个主要类别的礼物,总共 106 个单击并应用预设。

- 预设提供色彩恢复、曝光和对比度补偿、天空增强、自然光校正、水蓝色增强、改善树叶绿色等的组合。

- 该应用程序支持无限和交互式历史记录,因此您可以回到过去并无缝纠正过去所做的任何更改。

- 所有编辑都是非破坏性的 (NDe),因此您可以在糖果店里玩小孩,并将图像恢复为原始图像以重新开始。

- 它支持 RAW 和流行的压缩格式。无需任何预处理即可编辑 RAW 图像,使其成为市场上最快的 RAW 图像编辑器之一。

- 支持的文件格式


• 导出:JPG 和 PNG

- 渐变和径向蒙版借助独立的编辑工具,帮助呈现图像的最佳效果。

- 裁剪、翻转、旋转照片,以 12 种预设的宽高比进行裁剪,或根据需要裁剪为任何宽高比。预设的裁剪符合行业标准,适合在社交媒体上分享。

- Mossaik Presets 提供渐变蒙版和径向蒙版,是一款功能齐全的照片编辑器,可实现专业而快速的周转和生产力。

- 底部的胶片显示所有导入的图像和实时编辑。可以从胶片中选择要编辑的图像,以便快速选择和交换图像,最适合运动、儿童、婚礼和活动照片编辑。

- 全局调整提供最常用的照片编辑工具,即

• 温度、色调、振动、饱和度、曝光、亮度、对比度

• 高光和阴影、白点、黑点

• 晕影

• (HSL) 色相、饱和度和亮度

• 色调曲线

Mossaik 预设是一款轻量级应用程序,可灵活处理手机、Go Pro、无人机或任何简单专业相机(如索尼、徕卡、佳能、爱普生、卡西欧、富士、哈苏、柯达、Leaf、美能达、尼康、奥林巴斯、松下、宾得、理光、三星等)中的图像。

当您想辛苦工作并准备好进行艰苦的劳动时,您可以保存 Photoshop 和 Lightroom 类型的重型编辑器,或者在旅途中享受 Mossaik 预设,快速且毫不妥协地编辑照片。


Mossaik Presets is an extremely powerful and smart editor that allows you to apply a multitude of curated changes to your photo in a single click.

Each preset is carefully crafted by experts on calibrated monitors to create realistic, artistic, imitate old camera effects etc. 

There is minimal to no learning effort needed to be able to apply presets and execute basic photo editing commands, thanks to a an ergonomically designed User Interface.

Integrated Artificial Intelligence and Graphics Accelerator, you get to see live change in image tone curves, HSL, Exposure, Brightness etc with change in selection of a preset. 

The image to be edited can be previewed with all the presets or filter applied in the thumbnail to hasten the preset selection. Once a preset is applied, the image can be further fine-tuned and finished by moving specific sliders. This eliminates the need for another photo editing software and Mossaik Presets can be your one-stop-shop for all your photo post processing needs.

Salient Features:

- Mossaik presets offers 12 major categories of presents with a total of 106 single click and apply presets. 

- The Presets provide a combination of Color recovery, Exposure and Contrast compensation, Sky enhancement, natural light correction, Water blues enhancement, improve foliage greens etc.

- The app supports Infinite and interactive history so you can go back in time and correct any changes made in the past, seamlessly. 

- All edits are Non-Destructive (NDe) and hence you can play kid in the candy store and restore the image to original to start afresh.

- It supports the RAW and popular compressed formats. RAW images can be edited without any pre-processing making it one of the fastest RAW image editor in the market.

- Supported file formats

 • Import : RAW, JPG, PNG, BMP

 • Export : JPG and PNG 

- Gradient and Radial masks help bring out the best in an image with discrete editing tools.

- Crop, flip, rotate the photo, Crop in 12 preset aspect ratios or crop as you like to any aspect ratio. The preset crops are industry standard and suitable for sharing on Social Media.

- Offering Gradient Mask and Radial Mask, Mossaik Presets is a complete photo editor for a professional yet quick turn around and productivity.

- Filmstrip at the bottom shows all the imported images with live edits. Image to be edited can be selected from the filmstrip for a quick selection and swapping of images, best for sports, children, wedding and event photo editing. 

- Global adjustments offer the most used photo editing tools viz

 • Temperature, Tint, Vibration, Saturation, Exposure, Brightness, Contrast

 • Highlights & Shadows, White point, Black Point

 • Vignette

 • (HSL) Hue, Saturation and Luminance 

 • Tone Curves

Mossaik Presets is a lightweight App which offers tremendous flexibility with images from your mobile phone, Go Pro, Drone or any simple and professional camera like Sony, Leica, Canon, Epson, Casio, FujiFilm, Hasselblad, Kodak, Leaf, Minolta, Nikon, Olympus, Panasonic, Pentax, Ricoh, Samsung etc.

You may save your Photoshop and Lightroom type heavy duty editors when you are in the mood to toil and ready for hard core labor or Enjoy Mossaik Presets for a swift and no compromise photo editing while on the move.

标签: 照片 编辑 后期 软件 工具 预设
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/12/27 17:32:46 | 更新时间:2024/12/27 17:41:40

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