
FlippedNormals - Character Facial Rigging for Production - A former CGMA 8-weeks course
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FlippedNormals - Character Facial Rigging for Production - A former CGMA 8-weeks course

FlippedNormals - Maya 角色面部绑定制作教程 - CGMA 8 周课程,11.2GB。

这是我在 CG Masters Academy 开设了 2 年多的 8 周面部绑定课程的所有内容,现在您可以按照自己的节奏学习。本系列教程将作为面部绑定的深入介绍,从零开始,介绍面部表情并涵盖所有基础知识。然后逐步构建一个功能齐全的面部绑定。随着教程的推进,级别从初级到中级。

23 小时以上的课程!

您可以使用与视频中相同的模型(模型由 Hannah King 制作)来学习,也可以将其应用于您自己的模型。


第 1 周 - 介绍和面部表情

第 2 周 - FACS 和拓扑

第 3 周 - 装备的基本结构

第 4 周 - 雕刻一些关键的 BlendShapes

第 5 周 - 拆分 BlendShapes 并将它们放入我们的装备中

第 6 周 - 眼睛和嘴巴设置

第 7 周 - 基本和卡通眼睑设置

第 8 周 - 完成并清理装备


This is all the content for the 8-weeks Facial Rigging course that I ran at CG Masters Academy for over 2 years, and now you can follow it at your own pace.

This series of tutorials will serve as an in-depth introduction to Facial Rigging, starting from scratch, with an introducion about facial expressions and covering all the basics. And then step by step building a fully functional face rig.

The level is beginner to intermediate as we advance in the tutorial.

23+ hours of lessons!

You can follow it with the same model as in the videos (model work by Hannah King) or apply it to your own models.


Week 1 - Introduction and Facial Expressions

Week 2 - FACS and Topology

Week 3 - Basic structure of the Rig

Week 4 - Sculping some Key BlendShapes

Week 5 - Splitting the BlendShapes and putting them in our rig

Week 6 - Eye and Mouth Setups

Week 7 - Basic and Cartoon Eyelid Setup

Week 8 - Finalize and CleanUp the Rig 

标签: maya 玛雅 角色 绑定 动画 教程 头部 脸部 面部
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/12/25 21:07:24 | 更新时间:2024/12/25 21:11:46

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