
Coloso - From Sketch to 3D Anime Avatar Exploring Applications with Rika (Eng Audio & Sub)
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Coloso - From Sketch to 3D Anime Avatar Exploring Applications with Rika (Eng Audio & Sub)

Coloso - 从草图到 3D 动漫头像绘画教程(英语音频和字幕),48.7GB

创建您自己的 3D 头像并探索 3D 宇宙!使用到的软件:Clip studio paint version 1, Blender 3.5, Unity 2019.4.29f1, VRM Live Viewer, VSeeFace, VNyan, Warudo, VRChat.

Rika 是 Nonoru 的 Coloso Japan 课程中 Enya Akemi 和许多其他流行 3D 头像的创造者,她将担任讲师,指导您完成从概念化角色到将想法转化为可在 3D 宇宙中以多种方式使用的 3D 模型的所有过程。在掌握 3D 建模、纹理、绑定和设置各种 3D 应用程序的每个步骤的同时,您将全面了解 3D 头像创建过程和众多应用程序。

插画师 Zila Li

本课程教授的技术用途广泛,将为各种机会打开大门,例如 VTubing、VR 聚会、直播等。本课程的主要目的不仅是创建 3D VTuber 角色,而且还要创建可用于当今在线存在的各种 3D 应用程序的 3D 模型。让您获得最大的优势来探索和利用技术进步,例如全身跟踪功能。

在掌握 3D 建模、纹理、装配和设置各种 3D 应用程序的每个步骤的同时,您将全面了解 3D 虚拟形象的创建过程和众多应用程序。从空白屏幕到能够浏览 3D 宇宙的完整 3D 虚拟形象。


Create Your Own 3D Avatar and Explore the 3D Universe!

Rika, the creator of Enya Akemi from Nonoru's class on Coloso Japan and many other popular 3D avatars, will be the instructor to guide you through everything from conceptualizing the character to translating ideas into a 3D model that can be used in a variety of ways inside the 3D universe. While mastering each of the steps in 3D modeling, texturing, rigging, and setting up for various 3D applications, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the 3D avatar creation process and the numerous applications.

Illustrator Zila Li

The techniques taught in this class are highly versatile and will open doors to diverse opportunities such as VTubing, VR meetups, live streaming, and more. The main purpose of this class is not only to create a 3D VTuber character but also to create a 3D model that can be used and applied to a variety of 3D applications that exist online nowadays. Giving you the utmost advantage to explore and make use of the advancements in technology, such as full body tracking features.

While mastering each of the steps in 3D modeling, texturing, rigging, and setting up for various 3D applications, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of the 3D avatar creation process and the numerous applications.

From a blank screen to a complete 3D avatar capable of navigating the 3D universe.

Get the most comprehensive instructions on how 3D anime-style avatars are created and applied in the 3D universe.

Rika will guide you step-by-step on how to create a 3D avatar, starting with a blank screen. You will not only master the creation of the 3D model but also all of the most popular 3D applications out there, such as VNyan, Warudo, VSeeFace, and VRChat, which allow you to work with numerous formats.

In addition to all the applications above, Rika has set aside an entire chapter dedicated to using full body tracking using the Oculus Rift in VRChat.

标签: csp blender unity 游戏 动漫 角色 绘画 建模 绑定 动画 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Blender
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/12/24 13:22:57 | 更新时间:2024/12/24 13:35:49

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