
Fake Diamonds Shader For Cycles And Eevee - blender
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Fake Diamonds Shader For Cycles And Eevee - blender

本产品是 4 个钻石着色器节点组的集合,可让您快速轻松地制作大量钻石。这些节点组非常易于使用,只需将它们用作着色器,放入 UVMap 中,就可以开始了。

顾名思义,钻石着色器是假的。它们是一种模仿钻石折射但实际上不会折射光线的作弊手段。这种方法渲染速度非常快,与 Cycles 和 Eevee 兼容,并产生可信的钻石外观。您不必等待很长时间来计算真实钻石的所有折射和反射。




This product is a collection of 4 diamond shader node groups to let you quickly and easily make a lot of diamonds. These node groups are very easy to use, just use them as shaders, put in the UVMap and you're good to go.

The  diamond shaders are, as the name suggests, fake. They are a kind of cheat that mimic the refraction of diamonds but does not actually refract the light. This method renders very quickly, compatible with both Cycles and Eevee, and produces a believable diamond look. You don't have to wait forever to compute all the refraction and reflection of real diamonds.

At the core of the hexagonal and round diamond patterns is the hexagon grid generator which can be useful in many other cases.

This product also includes some reusable demo assets: rings, necklaces, chains and the watch.

标签: blender 插件 软件 工具 shader 材质 钻石 粉钻
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/12/17 17:10:42 | 更新时间:2024/12/17 17:14:19

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