
Artstation - Real Time Hair For AAA Games Tutorial
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Artstation - Real Time Hair For AAA Games Tutorial

Artstation - Maya AAA 游戏实时头发教程

在过去的一年里,我一直在测试各种创建实时发型的方法。在此期间,我尝试为自己找到一个工作流程,让我能够为 AAA 游戏创建高质量的实时发型。我在本教程和视频过程中遵循的方法不仅能够创建最高质量的实时发型,而且还具有许多优化模型和基于顶点预算创建各种发型模型的可能性。因此,我录制了这个 15 小时的视频过程系列,供角色艺术家和对创建实时发型感兴趣的人使用。


1. 使用 Fibershop 从头到尾完整创建和烘焙纹理

2. 使用 Maya 和 gs curvetools 插件从头到尾放置发卡。(您可以使用 curve Tool 中的 sweep mesh 执行此步骤,该工具在 2022 版中添加到 Maya,也可以使用 Maya 本身中存在的其他功能,但建议从此链接 购买和使用 gs curve 插件,因为它可以加快您的工作速度)

*注意:在本课程中,仅使用 gs curvetools 插件放置发卡。

3. 使用 Marmoset Toolbag 从头到尾创建着色器和头发材料,显示和最终渲染模型

对于发型的短部分,简要使用了 Zbrush、3ds max 和 Substance Painter 来加厚发束,准备模型进行烘焙,并在网格上烘焙发型的短部分。

这 3 个软件完成的所有步骤都可以由 Maya 和 Marmoset 完成,但在本课程中,由于工作速度快且简单,我们仅将这 3 个软件用于发型的较短部分。


Over the past year, I have been testing various methods of creating real-time hair. During this time, I tried to get myself a workflow that would allow me to create high_quality real time hairstyles for AAA games. The method I followed in this tutorial and video process not only has the ability to create the most high-quality real-time hairstyles, but also has a lot of possibilities to optimize the model and create all kinds of hair models based on vertex budget. Therefore, I recorded this 15-hours video process series for the use of character artists and those who are interested in creating real-time hairstyles.

The hairstyle created in this course have been chosen in such a way that you will get familiar with the technique of making long hair، short hair and fade hairstyle, which includes the following details.

1. Creating and baking textures from start to finish completely, using Fibershop

2. Placing hair cards from start to finish, using Maya and gs curvetools plug-in.(You can do this step by using sweep mesh from curve Tool, which was added to Maya in version 2022, or by other features that exist in Maya itself, But buying and using the gs curve plugin from this Link is recommended because it speeds up your work)

*Notic: In this course, placing hair cards has been done only by using gs curvetools plugin.

3. Creating shaders and hair materials from start to finish, display and final rendering of the model, using Marmoset Toolbag

For the short part of the hairstyle, Zbrush, 3ds max and Substance Painter were briefly used to thickness the hair strands, prepare the model for baking and bake the short part of the hairstyle on the mesh.

All steps done with these 3 software can be done by Maya and Marmoset, But in this course, due to the speed and simplicity of work we use these 3 software only for short part of the hairstyle.

标签: maya 玛雅 头发 毛发 教程 fiber shop
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/12/16 17:16:26 | 更新时间:2024/12/16 17:16:26

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