
Evermotion - Archmodels Vol. 269
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Evermotion - Archmodels Vol. 269 max vray corona Grow FX

Archmodels 第 269 期系列包括 72 种典型的地中海生物群落树木模型。石松、意大利柏树、夹竹桃、龙舌兰和丝兰将让您创建南欧外景的逼真可视化。该系列包括 72 种流行格式的高质量模型。我们还首次提供购买 GrowFX 格式模型的选项,这将允许您自行修改树木(需要单独购买的 GrowFX 软件)。

包括的树种:意大利柏树 (Cupressus sempervirens)、石松 (Pinus pinea)、夹竹桃、柽柳 (Tamarix)、橄榄树 (Olea Europea)、加那利海枣 (Phoenix canariensis)、沙漠棕榈 (Washingtonia filifera)、丝兰、柠檬树 (Citrus limon)、龙舌兰 (Agave americana)。


Archmodels vol. 269 collection includes 72 models of trees typical of Mediterranean biomes. Stone pines, Italian cypresses, oleanders, agaves and yuccas will allow you to create photorealistic visualizations of southern European exteriors. The collection includes 72 high-quality models in popular formats. For the first time we also offer an option to purchase models in GrowFX format, which will allow you to modify the trees on your own (requires GrowFX software, purchased separately).

Included trees species: Cupressus sempervirens (Italian cypress), Pinus pinea (stone pine), Nerium oleander, Tamarix (salt cedar), Olea Europea (olive tree), Phoenix canariensis (pineapple palm), Washingtonia filifera (desert fan palm), Yucca, Citrus limon (lemon tree), Agave americana.

标签: ev 植物 模型
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > Evermotion
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/11/26 22:03:50 | 更新时间:2024/11/26 22:21:39

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