
Flat Pack FX - Geolayers Mini Course
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Flat Pack FX - Geolayers Mini Course

学习使用 GEOlayers 3 创建令人惊叹的地图动画。如果您是 GEOlayers 3 的新手,并且渴望创建引人入胜的地图动画,那么您来对地方了!

在此为初学者量身定制的分步指南中,我将引导您完成使用 GEOlayers 制作视觉上引人注目且引人注目的地图动画的过程。无需任何经验。

GEOlayers 3 是一个用于设计和制作地图动画的 After Effects 插件。

在 After Effects 中轻松创建您喜欢的任何类型的地图动画。

绘制形状图层,突出显示国家边界、街道、地区,为驾驶路线制作动画等等……世界上任何具有地理数据的东西都可以集成到 After Effects 中。使用下面的我的会员链接查看该程序。

课程中的视频文件有 .gem 扩展名,我已为其添加了最新的 Gemplayer 用于播放。


Learn To Create Stunning Map Animations With GEOlayers 3

If you're new to GEOlayers 3 and eager to create captivating map animations, you're in the right place!

In this step-by-step guide tailored for beginners, I'll walk you through the process of using GEOlayers to craft visually striking and attention-grabbing map animations.

No prior experience required.

GEOlayers 3 is an After Effects plugin for designing and animating maps.

Easily create any type of map animation you like inside of After Effects.

Draw shape layers, highlight country borders, streets, regions, animate driving routes and more... Anything in the world that has geodata can be integrated into After Effects. Use my affiliate link below, to checkout the program.

Video files in the course have .gem extension for which I've included latest Gemplayer.

标签: Geolayers ae After Effects 地图 动画 教程
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > After Effects
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/10/24 21:47:46 | 更新时间:2024/10/24 21:53:50

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