
Digital Tutors - 用玛雅和V-Ray渲染室内教程
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Digital Tutors- Rendering Interiors with V-Ray for Maya

Digital Tutors - 用玛雅和V-Ray渲染室内教程

在这一系列的教程中,我们将探讨设立逼真的灯光使用玛雅的V-Ray,来渲染室内场景的各种技术和一些有用的技巧。设置室内环境逼真的灯光是一种技能,在CG行业备受追捧。教程将涵盖了很多很常见的问题,如使用的V-Ray物理灯,在场景中实现逼真的光线反射,优化我们的渲染速度,使用V-ray 材质模拟多种类型的表面,使用外部图像编辑应用程序做一些收尾,我们的渲染,以及许多其他的技巧,窍门和技巧,将帮助你成为一个更强大,更有效的V-Ray渲染艺术家。


In this series of lessons we will explore the various  techniques and some helpful tips for setting up realistic lighting for  an interior scene using V-Ray for Maya. The ability to set up realistic  lighting for an interior environment is a skill that is highly sought  after in the CG industry. Problems to overcome, arise with every digital  set. So we will be covering a lot of very common issues that you will  want to be aware of such as using V-Ray lights to create  physically-accurate light behavior, achieving realistic light bouncing  in our scene, optimizing our render speed, using V-Ray materials to  simulate a variety of surface types, using an external image-editing  application to add some finishing touches to our renders, as well as  many other tips, tricks, and techniques that will help you become a  stronger, more effective rendering artist in V-Ray.



标签: 渲染 材质 教程 vray 玛雅 maya
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/10/17 12:08:19 | 更新时间:2015/9/29 10:54:55

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