
digitaltutors - 创建一个风格化的房子在3ds Max2011和Photoshop CS5
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digitaltutors - Creating a Stylized House in 3ds Max 2011 and Photoshop CS5

digitaltutors - 创建一个风格化的房子在3ds Max2011和Photoshop CS5

在这一系列的教程里,我们将学习使用不同的技术来创建一个图像,从开始到结束。本教程旨在向您展示各种技术,利用从一幅画开始创建一个成品件。我们将通过几个不同的阶段,包括建模,灯光和纹理,在这里,我们将学习各种方法,帮助我们达到我们的目标。因此,通过本教程结束时,希望你能学习如何避免 涡轮平滑,如何使用各种纹理,如何快速拆开对象的UV等。


In this series of lessons we will learn some of the  different techniques used to create an image from start to finish.  This tutorial is aimed to show you a variety of techniques utilized to  create a finished piece starting from a painting. We will go through  several different stages including modeling, lighting and texturing  where we will learn various methods which will help us to reach our  goal. So by the end of the tutorial, hopefully, you will learn how to  avoid turbosmooth, how to give variety in your texturing, how to quickly  unwrap objects in UV Layout and etc.


标签: 渲染 材质 教程 vray
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/10/17 11:59:22 | 更新时间:2015/10/2 17:06:16

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