
唐Bluth 的故事版艺术 (英文版)
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Don Bluths Art Of Storyboard


唐Bluth - 卡通漫画家,艺术家和导演,这是来自唐Bluth的艺术故事板,一个教科书,详细描述了制作动画电影的情节故事版的技术和艺术的过程。无论是对于专业和有抱负的漫画家,或只是纯粹的爱好者,唐Bluth的故事板的艺术,都是一个迷人最有创意的故事版教程。

From Don Bluth - master animator, artist and  director of such cartoon classics as The Secret of N.I.M.H., An American  Tail, The Land Before Time, All Dogs Go to Heaven, Anastasia and Titan  A.E. - comes Don Bluth's The Art of Storyboard, a one-of-a-kind textbook  that describes in detail the technical and artistic processes involved  in crafting storyboards for animated films, the visual blueprints that  lay the foundation for the animators magic.


标签: 漫画 故事版 手绘 杂志 书籍 电子书
分类:资源 > 期刊杂志 > 期刊杂志:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/10/14 16:35:34 | 更新时间:2015/10/4 18:12:53

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