
Udemy - Unity3D + Amazon Cognito The ultimate guide 2024
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Udemy - Unity3D + Amazon Cognito The ultimate guide 2024

Udemy - Unity3D 和 Amazon Cognito  项目开发 2024 指导教程

本课程分为两个主要部分:使用 Cognito 作为用户目录和授权服务。在这两个部分中,我将介绍理论概念,然后提供使用 Unity3D 实现的示例。我将本课程设想为实践指南;我们将学习如何使用 AWS 控制台,并在 Unity 上进行实时编码的动手实践。在本课程结束时,我希望您能够使用 Unity3D 和 Amazon Cognito 构建整个用户管理系统,并使用 Cognito 访问其他 Amazon 服务,例如 S3、Lambda 和 DynamoDB。


This course is divided into two main sections: using Cognito as a user directory and as an authorization service. In both sections, I will look into theoretical concepts and then provide examples of implementations with Unity3D. I conceived this course as a practice guide; we will learn how to use the AWS console and have hands-on activities with live coding on Unity. At the end of this course, I want you to be able to build an entire user management system with Unity3D and Amazon Cognito and also use Cognito to access other Amazon services such as S3, Lambda, and DynamoDB.

标签: u3d Unity 项目 开发 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Unity 3d
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/9/19 21:37:40 | 更新时间:2024/9/19 21:42:36

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