
ft-Filmic Contrast Bundle
0 11

ft-Filmic Contrast Bundle v1.0 Win

3 个After Effects 和 Premiere 插件包可简化电影色彩分级过程:ft-Filmic Contrast Pro、ft-Technicolor 和 ft-Auto White Balance。

ft-Filmic Contrast Pro

一个高级重新对比插件,可为您的素材提供非常引人注目的电影“外观”。它基于“ft-Filmic Contrast Lite”,具有更多控件和功能以及更快的算法。


一个模仿马丁·斯科塞斯的“飞行家”中色彩分级的滤镜,也称为 2 条带和 3 条带特艺彩色。代码基于、Blender 源代码和 Aviator VFX 幕后网站上的片段。

ft-Auto White Balance

此插件只需单击一下即可对您的素材进行白平衡。当您有大量白平衡设置不正确的素材并且需要在处理之前对其进行色彩平衡时,它会变得非常方便。只需在图像中选择一种中间色调,ft-Auto White Balance 就会处理其余部分。


Von Kire

Scale RGB


Bundle of 3 plugins to ease the Filmic Color Grading process: ft-Filmic Contrast Pro, ft-Technicolor and ft-Auto White Balance.

ft-Filmic Contrast Pro

An Advanced re-contrast plugin that gives a very compelling filmic "look" to your footage. It's based on "ft-Filmic Contrast Lite" with more controls and features as well as a faster algorithm.


A filter that mimics the color grading in Martin Scorsese's "The Aviator" otherwise called 2-strip and 3-strip technicolor. The code is based on snippets found on, Blender source code & Aviator VFX behind the scene website.

ft-Auto White Balance

This plugin white balances your footage with one click. It becomes handy when you have a bunch of footages where the White Balance wasn't set properly and you need to color balance it before working with it. Just select a mid-tone color in your image, and ft-Auto White Balance will take care of the rest.

The plugin has the choice of two methods for white balancing:

Von Kire

Scale RGB

标签: ae After Effects Premiere 插件 软件吗 调色 后期
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/8/29 14:58:36 | 更新时间:2024/8/29 15:05:36

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