
Digitaljuice - Drag and Drop - Light Leaks
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Digitaljuice - Drag and Drop - Light Leaks

拖放视频剪辑 - Light Leaks



Wake your footage up by bathing it in a subtle wash of light


45 Clips & Overlays

1920x1080 FULL HD

Works with ANY Editing System


文件可以用Juicer v3.90 Build102 打开,Drag & Drop - Bokeh 文件包里已附带安装程序。

这个令人兴奋的一系列新的工具,视频编辑和视觉效果艺术家和动画设计师真正需要这些素材,他们甚至有可能想象不到的视频。基于这些剪辑,做视觉效果的乏味和辛苦都不复存在,同时让你专注于真正重要的事情 - 制作伟大的镜头效果!

使用简单 - 只要拖放进您的时间线并应用混合模式.
所有的效果都是QuickTime的剪辑,适用所有的编辑和动画设计软件包括的Avid Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas  Pro, Final Cut Pro After Effects, Apple Motion等等。


The Drag & Drop Light Leaks volume includes more than  45 uniquely useful high-end light leak backgrounds, designed to wake  your footage up with a subtle wash of light. Simply by dragging any of  these designs on top of your footage with the appropriate blend mode,  you can elevate your footage from the dark and dreary to the  light-filled and lovely -- raising the production value of a piece  instantly, and making you look like an on-trend hipster in seconds. The  gentle bath of luminosity provided by the light leak elements in each  Drag & Drop clip adds a fresh splash of wandering light to every  production, while framing and accenting your subject matter, giving it  the lightness of being it deserves. Combining text or logos with a Light  Leaks background can also give you a quick and easy titling solution  that wont overwhelm your content.


This   exciting new series of tools is exactly what video editors, visual    effects artists and motion designers really need to take their videos to    a level they might not have thought was even possible. These   clip-based  visual effects take all the drudgery out of the process   while letting  you, as the designer, focus on what really matters --   getting a great  look that complements your footage!


No Plugins Required

Simple to use - Just drag to your timeline and apply a blend mode

Works on both Mac and Windows

All   effects are Quicktime clips that will work with all editing and   motion  design software including Avid Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas   Pro,  Final Cut Pro After Effects, Apple Motion and more.


标签: 视频 素材 影视 特效 后期
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 视频素材
发布:CGer | 查看:5423 | 发表时间:2013/10/4 23:55:43 | 更新时间:2015/10/4 20:57:28

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